Who cares about the Adelaide game? Sure we need a bit of form going into the finals but once the national anthem starts up on Friday week the boys will give it everything they've got regardless of the result this Saturday. I am so nervous about the first final now I can barely contain myself. Is anyone else nervous? After the year we have had we know we can match it with 6 of the other teams in the finals race, we have a great chance to do something special. Should I be getting excited? I don't know, is 97 going to happen all over again and I am going to fall flat on my face? I don't know. Feel's like I am in love all over again. If the Crows beat us on Saturday St.Kilda will have to play them over there in an Elimination final. I like that idea, I'm worried about the Saints, they've been playing ok. I am also more worried about North than the Hawks. Imagine when the siren sounds for the first quarter this Friday week. Geez we've been waiting along time to be in this position. Are we capable of something special?