Personally I'll support every player that steps out in the R, W & B no matter where they've come from. At the end of the day every player arrives from another club, even the draftees. I will say though that there is a certain almost paternal instinct that comes with players who join us through the draft. You've seen a big part of their journey, their growth, and when they begin to succeed it vindicates the Club's development program, which is great to see.

The circumstances of the player leaving do probably play a part in how they're viewed subconsciously. We praise our senior team players when they show loyalty and play their careers through with us, and on the flip side guys that have abandoned a senior spot in their old team probably have to do a bit more to earn that respect. Every Lobb or Bruce for us is a Dunkley or Griffen to another team. Whereas someone like Treloar who's been sold like an animal in a stockyard is easier to embrace straight away.

From a club and match committee perspective, perhaps some frustration has crept in as a result of the inordinate amount of opportunity that has been given to players from other clubs, sometimes at the expense of incumbent players. Bevo was a journeyman as a player and that's maybe informed his outlook on the value that recycled players can provide. He always seems to give the new guys a heap of opportunity.