Quote Originally Posted by GVGjr View Post
Gee a lot of people knew of his problems but wouldn't out him to primarily protect his career. Did this help him or just delay the inevitable?

That one. If you are functioning as a drug addict and making people money or bringing them success then those people arent going to do anything about it except ignore it.

Ive often thanked my lucky stars that I didnt have any special gifts to give to the world. It meant that when I wanted to to stop I could do it without the entire population putting their two bobs worth in.

When I relapsed (which is pretty much inevitable), my drama wasnt played out in public. I could address at in my own pace.

Quote Originally Posted by GVGjr View Post
A friend on mine who I have only known for 3 years was faced with a situation several years back where his son was well over the 0.5 limit but was insisting that he get into his car and drive to a friends place. The father offered to drive and or to pay for a taxi rather than see his son hop in behind the wheel but the son, despite his fathers efforts, still got into his car and drove off. Faced with the possibility of his son hurting himself or others my friend contacted the police who intercepted him a few minutes later. The son was charged and lost his license and was livid with his father for dobbing him in.

You're comparing apples with oranges mate. What your friend did was the right thing and we know that because we have the drink/drive message shoved down our throat all the time-noone is under any misaprahension about what happens when you climb behind the wheel pissed.

The drug world is a lot more complicated. Not as much is understood or is public as drinkdriving. It's murky, dangerous and if you make the wrong move it's fatal on many levels(you could overdose, you could go to jail, you could be killed because someone owes you/you owe them money).

Brian Cousins did exactly the right thing when he was confronted with Ben's situation. He took advice, he proved his love over and over again and he was there for Ben when Ben needed him.

I know it's usualy a frivilous show but the hour between 10 and 11 on KB's show on SEN yesterday with Neil Balme and Dave Colbert(I Think) was great listening. I leared a lot listening to that hour and I've been an addict for the last 30 years. I've put my parents through exactly the same thing that the Cousins went through and I have them to thank for the fact that I still walk the Earth.

I'll always be an addict. I havent used in so long but I still have to be careful where I go and what I do-if I found myself confromted with drugs and I wasnt in the right mood to say no, I dont what would happen.