View Full Version : Things you can count on.

09-06-2012, 10:15 PM
Watching the Sydney-Essendon game tonight, and Lewis Jetta was lining up for a set shot when our own Luke Darcy piped in with "kicked 17 points straight before he kicked a goal". This seems to get repeated anytime Jetta+Ball+forward of centre happens.

It irks me, but I can't put my finger on why. Another one is Kieran Jack+contact=learnt that from his Dad.

Of course the greatest of all is McAvaney, who must have it written into his contract that he finishes at least 30 statements during a game with a question.

"Gee starting to look bad, isn't it?"
"He's really worked on his fitness, hasn't he?"
"You just feel that the window is closing, don't you?"

Are they that bereft of inspiration that they need to tread the same old ground over and over?

Anyone think of any others? Yes I am bored. There may also be alcohol involved.

09-06-2012, 10:28 PM
EW,listening to Bruce is enough to make me, not normally a violent man, consider punching someone. I just don't get why he's so well-liked, I think he's pathetic.

09-06-2012, 10:30 PM
Of course the greatest of all is McAvaney, who must have it written into his contract that he finishes at least 30 statements during a game with a question.

"Gee starting to look bad, isn't it?"
"He's really worked on his fitness, hasn't he?"
"You just feel that the window is closing, don't you?"

Are they that bereft of inspiration that they need to tread the same old ground over and over?

Anyone think of any others? Yes I am bored. There may also be alcohol involved.

This one really gets under my skin.

"You just feel that if Brisbane were to kick another goal they'd be right in this, don't you?" Mind, this would be when they're already only 3 goals down half way through the third quarter or something like that.

Ghost Dog
10-06-2012, 02:18 AM
Tag questions: we were just discussing Bruce's addiction to them at work during the week.
'Gee it's a game of two halves isn't it? '?
' Ya reckon the next goal will seal it don't you?'

The list goes on.

Was funny how Darcy and Co consigned Melbourne last week to a loss right from the word go, then hastily had to backtrack, egg running down their cheeks.

10-06-2012, 08:56 AM
I wonder how Peter Donegan, Dennis Cometti and Rex Hunt would go for entertainment.

Would we get much talk about the game.:D

10-06-2012, 04:46 PM
They all suck. Ch 7 have turned into a parody of themselves. Just a disgraceful service they are providing and good on Rohan Connolly for letting them know


10-06-2012, 04:57 PM
I wonder how Peter Donegan, Dennis Cometti and Rex Hunt would go for entertainment.

Would we get much talk about the game.:D

Still get Rex, Peter and Sandy Roberts on AFL Live on regional radio stations. I think Rex has been allowed to revert to his natural style, which I enjoyed, I think 3AW sucked the spirit out of him when they put the clamps on his antics.

Sandy is just as sharp a caller as ever and I think its downright shameful that Seven can't seem to find a spot for him. Unfortunately Hamish McLachlan seems to be Seven's golden child, I think Sandy and Basil Zemplas would make a great combination.

11-06-2012, 01:12 AM
I must say, I'm enjoying Brad Johnson's special comments on the Fox Footy Team (I could be a tad biased though).

I might be on my 'Pat' here but I have always liked Eddie MacGuire calling the game, both on radio and TV. I enjoy his passion and obvious knowledge of the game.

The Bulldogs Bite
11-06-2012, 01:21 AM
Still get Rex, Peter and Sandy Roberts on AFL Live on regional radio stations. I think Rex has been allowed to revert to his natural style, which I enjoyed, I think 3AW sucked the spirit out of him when they put the clamps on his antics.

Sandy is just as sharp a caller as ever and I think its downright shameful that Seven can't seem to find a spot for him. Unfortunately Hamish McLachlan seems to be Seven's golden child, I think Sandy and Basil Zemplas would make a great combination.

I always really enjoyed listening to Sandy commentate games.

McLachlan is a bore.

Agree with the above on Eddie -- I think he's pretty decent. I still like Bruce when he calls the actual game, but his cringeworthy comments need to stop.

Commetti is more concerned with pulling out one liners than anything else.

11-06-2012, 10:35 AM
I must say, I'm enjoying Brad Johnson's special comments on the Fox Footy Team (I could be a tad biased though).

I might be on my 'Pat' here but I have always liked Eddie MacGuire calling the game, both on radio and TV. I enjoy his passion and obvious knowledge of the game.

Seconded on Eddie. Fantastic commentator IMO. You can tell he's been covering footy since he was 15.

13-06-2012, 10:45 AM
My missus makes me watch the games televised on Channel 7 with the sound muted, as she gets sick of me screaming at the TV every time Broooooce opens his trap.