View Full Version : If there is one thing that will stop me watching AFL...

18-08-2018, 01:39 PM
It's *!*!*!*!ing clash jumpers. Most of them look shit-especially that horrible looking thing Essendon were wearing last night. I don't understand why we need them because we managed to get through 90+ years of the competition without it being a problem (and anyone who plays footy will tell you that you don't look for jumpers to identify a teammate, you look for socks and shorts.) so the AFL are getting very close to the point of losing me as a supporter and if it's losing people like me who are fanatical about footy then it's in trouble. We have almost reached peak Gil, the spot where McLachlan has so fundamentally destroyed the fabric of the game there is no coming back,

Bulldog Joe
18-08-2018, 01:59 PM
Sorry Twodogs, but clash jumpers is not the issue that worries me.

What about a fair fixture that stops advantaging certain clubs with additional exposure to ensure that the so-called smaller clubs just stay smaller.

18-08-2018, 03:27 PM
Sorry Twodogs, but clash jumpers is not the issue that worries me.

What about a fair fixture that stops advantaging certain clubs with additional exposure to ensure that the so-called smaller clubs just stay smaller.

Not after watching Essendon in the Hi-Viz jackets last night and Carlton playing in ther undies for the last month.

As for fairness in the draw and equality I'm happy to have that discussion too, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. The AFL like to espouse a fair and equitable competition but in reality it's getting more and more unequal. The NFL (which the AFL doggishly follows and laughingly compares themself to) is light years ahead in terms of equity.

18-08-2018, 03:37 PM
I have lots of reason, but if it's one. Listening to mainly ignorant blokey bullshit weirdos impose themselves in commentary does my head in.

Rocket Science
18-08-2018, 03:54 PM
The AFEL : Spectator's eyes suddenly can't cope with the vaguaries of traditional jumper schemes.

Also the AFEL : Here, have some animated, multi-coloured flashing ads that surround the field of play.


There are apparently three certainties in life: death, taxes and clash strips that are crimes against all that is right and decent.

18-08-2018, 03:58 PM
I don't have an issue with clash strips but most of what is put out is *!*!*!*!ing horrendous. Carlton in particular should string up the person who approved that grey disaster by their goolies.

18-08-2018, 04:17 PM
The AFEL : Spectator's eyes suddenly can't cope with the vaguaries of traditional jumper schemes.

Also the AFEL : Here, have some animated, multi-coloured flashing ads that surround the field of play.


There are apparently three certainties in life: death, taxes and clash strips that are crimes against all that is right and decent.

I work in disabilty and one of the things I get to do is take people to the footy. I have a guy who lives going to the footy, doesn't matter who is playing he lives the crowd and the pie and the chips and the whole routine. We can't take him to the MCG or Marvel anymore because the motion of the fence advertising doesn't set off fits but he has trouble focussing on anything else and becomes really responsive . Luckily for him footy is footy and a day at the local footy is the same as a day at the AFL but there must be a significant proportion of the population that have various problems with that motion advertising to the extent that going to the football is no longer an option.

But it's OK because the AFL could fill most stadiums twice over. OK for the AFL anyway

18-08-2018, 04:59 PM
I work in disabilty and one of the things I get to do is take people to the footy.

You're a cool dude, TD.

18-08-2018, 05:12 PM
It's *!*!*!*!ing clash jumpers. Most of them look shit-especially that horrible looking thing Essendon were wearing last night. I don't understand why we need them because we managed to get through 90+ years of the competition without it being a problem (and anyone who plays footy will tell you that you don't look for jumpers to identify a teammate, you look for socks and shorts.) so the AFL are getting very close to the point of losing me as a supporter and if it's losing people like me who are fanatical about footy then it's in trouble. We have almost reached peak Gil, the spot where McLachlan has so fundamentally destroyed the fabric of the game there is no coming back,

I hate any jumper that is mainly white. I hate our clash.

18-08-2018, 07:40 PM
You're a cool dude, TD.

It's a cool job and I love it because people smile when I turn up. And I get to take people to cool places.

The best one was when I got to drag a drag racing car in the disabilty bus down the strip at Bob Jane one Friday night, the boys thought that was pretty sweet.

18-08-2018, 08:19 PM
It's a cool job and I love it because people smile when I turn up. And I get to take people to cool places.

The best one was when I got to drag a drag racing car in the disabilty bus down the strip at Bob Jane one Friday night, the boys thought that was pretty sweet.

You're still a cool dude.

Happy Days
19-08-2018, 12:24 PM
I’ll never stop watching because AFL is heroin but if anything will get me close it’s the monetising of social causes for the purposes of the AFL #brand.

I love bad jumpers. As a kid I wanted to own EVERY jumper and am super into when teams wear a stupid one off orange and pink kit or whatever.

19-08-2018, 12:50 PM
I’ll never stop watching because AFL is heroin but if anything will get me close it’s the monetising of social causes for the purposes of the AFL #brand.

I love bad jumpers. As a kid I wanted to own EVERY jumper and am super into when teams wear a stupid one off orange and pink kit or whatever.

https://www.foxsports.com.au/pxazh/MTk4MjAxODF8Y3hvLmN8aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4ubmV3c2FwaS5jb20uYXUvaW1h Z2UvdjEvMWI2NDllZjcyNDI3MGYzODkwZDc0MTQ1MTU5NjJkOWN8ZTA1NTJl ZQ==

https://www.foxsports.com.au/pxazh/MTk4MjAxODF8Y3hvLmN8aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4ubmV3c2FwaS5jb20uYXUvaW1h Z2UvdjEvZTg1YmJhYWE4NDExZmQzYzU5MzA0YmRkYTY2MGY5YjV8ZTA1NTJl ZQ==

19-08-2018, 12:51 PM
https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSEhMVFRUVGRgVFxUTGBIYGRYaFRcWFhcYFhoZHSggGhsl GxYXITIhJSkrMC4uGCEzODMtNygtLi0BCgoKDg0OGxAQGy8mICUyLS0tKy0v LTUtLS0tLS0tLTUtLy0tLS8uLS0tLS0tLy0tLS0tLS0tLS0tKy0tLS0tK//AABEIAK0BIwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAwADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYHAQQIAwL/xAA EAACAQIEBAMEBwgBBAMAAAABAgADEQQSITEFBkFREyJhB3GBkRQyQlKhscEj YnKCkrLR8DM0osLhFUNT/8QAGQEBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEBQEC/8QAKxEBAAICAgIBAgMJAAAAAAAAAAECAxESITFBBBMiUZHRBSMyQmFxgbHB/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDcYiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICInzrsQpIFyASAPdAo PtI9oX/AMefCpeHUxDi6o4bLTFvrVCG1udlFj cyup7S I1SzNiWontRRFXT0ZT87/GRtfC4rGYusGs9Vqj53Gi3DWNiVDBBra46dzJ6ryGclnxRuP3BYe4X0sZDfL WOpWMeC1o3EJ/lP2wOhFPiA8RDtXprZtN86DRrbnKAfQ622XC4laih0YMrAFWU3BBFwQeotPM OI5cekf RHysGXQrqL6dbjU6aS9 yXm6pSxA4didFqf9Ob6IQCRS7WI2PcHuAO0yVt1Dzkw2p3MNpiBElQkREBER AREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQE4nM6PGccaNF6oXM UF8vfUD9ZyZ07EbnUMg5XwYpiqftGo4Y66lWI3Op1Jk5jaNlBy6fjImthKl6 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JPX52/Ke9DuchpkxdJgx1Nj9Xr0/38dp6D4Fig4qW w4Q 8U6bf U858KqFGDDcG4336TX/ZFjzUGNQknJiNCfu GlMfPwr/GeJ8u mgz8sbbz9Sp 0njHgYNlU2evekttwCP2jelluL92E82nUbdpWbWisMb5h4kK1eviB/8AbUZl/h qh/oCyF5f4TUxWKp0Kf16jWzdEXd3Poq3ProNzHEK29vhNi9i/LPg4b6ZUX9riRdb7rR3UDtnPnPpl7SrirNp3LR RkilYrDQOHYNKNJKNMWSmoRR6KLC/rOxES4zCIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiB0ON8Lp4mg9CoPK4tcbq Qbqy/vKwBHqJjmLwT03ahU0qIbNYGxHR19CLEfKblKd7QOF3QYlB5qfle3WmT1/hY39zNIM PlG1r4ubhbU JUvlfi7cPrMxDNRqDzotrhh9WooJAzdDtcW 6Jdx7QsIdAKpP8AAB JMz8tca2InUYKDoBfp6/CVq5b1jUL9/jY8s8p8tF4lxDxqZroD5CtVV3P7FsxGnVgrD aSuGpqSSp03B7gi4P5TOOC82LSPgsVuNfDe6sNhcN227yyct8bprSVSwXKWR ATYGmGPhi 11TKp75b9bC3TLEx2z8vx7VmddwttO4N/SU/jKnxWv3uJb6ThhcHSVfmOqocXNv1ksKyqccqAIe8pzreWDjBL/4nQp4awudhqZ7Ed/x3qWuE8x GoHxNh8Zd/YHjfPjKROpFFxfc5c1Mn 35zN8VXfEv4SlES dmZgiKF2LFtgL37kn5dZuCJWDeHWVhSZcxZXTPmLBvBuPNlAuS2XcSK1vaWl N9e3qDiXMGFof8temp 7mBb4ILsflMe535i l1ywuKSjLSB0JG7MR0LG2nYCVeiadJAEFh2/UyPx2PJJI37dBeVb5Jv16X8eCuL7p8pblbgYx MpYcfUPnq26UlsX92a4Qer36T0rTQAAAAAaADYAbATOvYjwbw8EcUyjxMSxI Y7 Ehy0x7iQzfzCaPLOOvGFDNfnYiIntEREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERA REQE/FakGUqwBBBBB2IOhBn7iBkvNvLdXBK9WmTVoD ukDtn 8oP2ul9RuZXeFYd6tNqzUyFpFczIymwOuu5C2FsxWw7m03tlvMn53wo4biqe Iw iV1qK9ACynQKwB6Kc6ta2hW xsK18MR3C7i TaY4yh6HFaiZ6qhVp5yha4qDJclBWBXqOtrXvqNZM8E4TgsViGCZqN6SkLSO ULUR38RlW2Q5len0 wdBreu8Twz4CpS8GoStRVsri4XNYEHXzr6H/FrCnBA6UMVhn jO1WnnVVDpo5B8MEgpex6kWJFus7WsxOnb3ia8vyn9VsweFOFpmmrvWqEsfN l 0xbXKAABewAkLiuGvcvUN2NzYSzFwt7A3O5J1/KRuMq5 40vof8A1LMKMztR IYY7209Z0uK4YnCO62vmVD6A9fdLJjaQOlz H J1aXDFIILNlIOZbizWBax09J2fBE9s5OMp0c1OnS8dr2ZsrFQRYW2 qD0PX4Tq08NXcipiM1OmNk1DP2VANfS/rp6XnGYnwcOpW7Egv5zfWofEbYDcuZSeF8Wq4jG03ZsvhZqqBQNDS8y29bga yrMd6aFZnUW8b8RH/X64y1SiW kIaGTypROjkkXuw6CxG8/XLnLVfH16eGoi11WpWqnamrbs3733V3J7AEjvcwC2Eww0NXilRvErMMzU6dK qqLTS/Quc7G4LWA2m/cp8sUMBR8GgNTYvUb69RvvOfyGw6T3XHHlDlzzO4SXDcElClTo0xZKaqiDsq gAfgJ2YiSqpERAREQEREBERAREQERED//Zhttp://www.aflonline.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/7.jpg

19-08-2018, 12:53 PM

19-08-2018, 01:05 PM
I’ll never stop watching because AFL is heroin but if anything will get me close it’s the monetising of social causes for the purposes of the AFL #brand.

I love bad jumpers. As a kid I wanted to own EVERY jumper and am super into when teams wear a stupid one off orange and pink kit or whatever.

I love bad jumpers too. I've got a collection of over 50 various jumpers and maybe 10 different bulldog jumpers. I just don't want to see them out on the ground is all.

For instance I've got that one BAD has the picture of BrownEye wearing signed by Charlie Sutton, I have two of those god awful orange jumpers we wore once in a night match (they go for around 500 bucks on eBay and Facebook) growing up near the footy ground and dropping into the shop occasionally with 20 bucks and buying an old training/warm up top has paid off.

And AFL is shitty Mexican tar heroin. The stuff that you know will kill you but you can't stop. Give me local footy Chinese rock anytime

19-08-2018, 01:16 PM
You're still a cool dude.

There you go, I thought we'd met! :cool:

Rocket Science
19-08-2018, 04:37 PM
... it'd be having to watch another game like that.

19-08-2018, 08:37 PM
... it'd be having to watch another game like that.

And not a clash jumper in sight. Even the Carlton players remembered their kit this week.

19-08-2018, 08:38 PM
They could have kept the back pocket in the shorts though.

Rocket Science
28-08-2018, 04:28 PM
... it'd be the introduction of an 'Au Pairs' Round.

https://preview.ibb.co/edsFXp/Screen_Shot_2018_08_28_at_3_13_28_PM.png (https://ibb.co/gTcSdU)

Dear me, not the help!

Heartwarming to see Gill using his influence for good.

28-08-2018, 07:24 PM
... it'd be the introduction of an 'Au Pairs' Round.

https://preview.ibb.co/edsFXp/Screen_Shot_2018_08_28_at_3_13_28_PM.png (https://ibb.co/gTcSdU)

Dear me, not the help!

Heartwarming to see Gill using his influence for good.

Nice to have mates in high places.

28-08-2018, 08:58 PM
Nice to have mates in high places.

Not for much longer by the looks of things. Morrison understands the first piece of business is taking Dutton down in exactly the same way Turnbull failed to do with Abbot or his premiership will go the same way. I think that's why au pairs are appearing everywhere.