View Full Version : John Patton in big strife

11-01-2021, 12:13 AM
Two more women accuse Hawks star Jon Patton of lewd messages (https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2021-jon-patton-hawthorn-hawks-sent-lewd-images-and-videos-investigation-social-media-women-latest-news/news-story/799c1b857055ab4d4f34e03d8cc48aef)Hawks investigating allegations against Patton. Innocent till proven guilty of course.

If Guilty, should he be sacked?

11-01-2021, 09:19 AM
The BF rumours thread has some of the messages posted up (now deleted). He's a grub.
He'll probably just issue a public apology and dozens of other AFL players will be shitting themselves.

11-01-2021, 09:29 AM
The BF rumours thread has some of the messages posted up (now deleted). He's a grub.
He'll probably just issue a public apology and dozens of other AFL players will be shitting themselves.

Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if he went down the route of a 'my struggles with injury, combined with the stress of COVID led to some bad decisions that I deeply regret' type of apology.

He revealed his douchbaggery years ago with his public snipe at Tom Boyd. Karma is a bitch.

11-01-2021, 09:52 AM
What would be an appropriate response from the AFL if he is proven to be guilty?

11-01-2021, 10:31 AM
What would be an appropriate response from the AFL if he is proven to be guilty?
A fine.

A suspension is useless when he never gets on the paddock anyway.

11-01-2021, 10:42 AM
I reckon if Hawthorn could get him off their books they'd be more than happy to, so if he's able to be replaced on the primary list then I think they'll work with the AFL to have him sacked.

The Underdog
11-01-2021, 08:06 PM
Doesn’t seem to have been a lot of coverage of this one on afl.com.au

11-01-2021, 09:37 PM
A fine.

A suspension is useless when he never gets on the paddock anyway.

He's broken some serious rules and I think there is a chance, given the way it's being reported and this isn't an isolated incident, he might be lucky if he keeps his job. I'd have to think that in most work places this gets you sacked

The Adelaide Connection
11-01-2021, 09:44 PM
He's broken some serious rules and I think there is a chance, given the way it's being reported and this isn't an isolated incident, he might be lucky if he keeps his job. I'd have to think that in most work places this gets you sacked


Also, insert image of Hardwick doing cartwheels. This is just what the doctor ordered for him.

11-01-2021, 09:49 PM
Doesn’t seem to have been a lot of coverage of this one on afl.com.au

Didn’t last time an AFL.com.au reporter reported on an AFL club incident get stood down for a few days? Can’t recall the exact incident but it was Mitch Cleary and something to do with Richmond from memory.

11-01-2021, 10:00 PM
Didn’t last time an AFL.com.au reporter reported on an AFL club incident get stood down for a few days? Can’t recall the exact incident but it was Mitch Cleary and something to do with Richmond from memory.

The Nathan Broad incident?

11-01-2021, 10:01 PM
So if the images are unsolicited then isn't he just a garden variety sex offender?

I mean just because he's doing it online and most likely from home, why would he be treated so much differently than anyone jumping out of the bushes on the Sandy foreshore and whipping it out?

11-01-2021, 10:02 PM
The Nathan Broad incident?

Brooke Cotchin.

11-01-2021, 10:04 PM
So if the images are unsolicited then isn't he just a garden variety sex offender?

I mean just because he's doing it online and most likely from home, why would he be treated so much differently than anyone jumping out of the bushes on the Sandy foreshore and whipping it out?

It's a serious offense if proven to be true. I would imagine there is a team with the police that deal with this

12-01-2021, 12:16 AM
Doesn’t seem to have been a lot of coverage of this one on afl.com.au

They have now

The Adelaide Connection
12-01-2021, 12:19 AM
So if the images are unsolicited then isn't he just a garden variety sex offender?

I mean just because he's doing it online and most likely from home, why would he be treated so much differently than anyone jumping out of the bushes on the Sandy foreshore and whipping it out?

From all reports we have likely only seen the tip of the iceberg so far too. Apparently his offending has been indiscriminate and in no short supply and you would imagine that the floodgates of complainants might be empowered to open.

It’s likely to get much, much worse for Jon and I can’t see a scenario where the Hawks don’t cut him loose.

12-01-2021, 09:45 AM
From all reports we have likely only seen the tip of the iceberg so far too. Apparently his offending has been indiscriminate and in no short supply and you would imagine that the floodgates of complainants might be empowered to open.

It’s likely to get much, much worse for Jon and I can’t see a scenario where the Hawks don’t cut him loose.
The rumours that broke this a week ago had him sending pics to dozens of girls. He's in a lot of trouble, and the AFL would be shitting themselves if other players start getting named.

12-01-2021, 10:01 AM
From all reports we have likely only seen the tip of the iceberg so far too.

Now there's a metaphor for the situation.

What I just don't get about this whole thing is that surely highly paid, wealthy, fit young men would have a plethora of opportunity to behave like this with consensual partners. I mean, it's not my thing but I'm not a prude - what consenting adults do is up to them.

Why would you need to force it onto people who aren't consenting? It would have to be some kind of mental derangement.

The Adelaide Connection
12-01-2021, 11:12 AM
Now there's a metaphor for the situation.

What I just don't get about this whole thing is that surely highly paid, wealthy, fit young men would have a plethora of opportunity to behave like this with consensual partners. I mean, it's not my thing but I'm not a prude - what consenting adults do is up to them.

Why would you need to force it onto people who aren't consenting? It would have to be some kind of mental derangement.

Haha, I did notice that after my post but rather than editing I thought I’d leave it in as an Easter egg of sorts.

I am no psychologist, but I suspect Patton likely has a personality disorder of sorts. Rather than have his shit behaviour reigned in or squashed by society and the people around him, his celebrity has probably allowed him to cultivate it and attain a higher level of crap bloke.

He is certainly not the first AFL footballer to present as a terrible person and he sure as hell won’t be the last. As others have alluded to, the AFL would be shitting bricks that a plethora of other players could soon get named.

12-01-2021, 11:14 AM
Haha, I did notice that after my post but rather than editing I thought I’d leave it in as an Easter egg of sorts.

I am no psychologist, but I suspect Patton likely has a personality disorder of sorts. Rather than have his shit behaviour reigned in or squashed by society and the people around him, his celebrity has probably allowed him to cultivate it and attain a higher level of terrible bloke.

He is certainly not the first AFL footballer to present as a terrible person and he sure as hell won’t be the last. As others have alluded to, the AFL would be shitting bricks that a plethora of other players could soon get named.

We also wait to see what happens with DeGoey who is allowed to train as if nothing has happened. His sexual assault charges are due to be heard in court around March

Happy Days
12-01-2021, 11:15 AM
Aside from this being gross and sexually violent, its just so WEIRD man. How could you look at him the same way ever again?

The Hawks, being the late stage capitalists they are, will rightly realise that the social capital they will get out of sacking him far outweighs what he can bring on the field and sack him. The right outcome as long as they don’t show their working out.

12-01-2021, 11:20 AM
While the AFL/Hawthorn would want to send out a pretty positive image that they are taking this seriously (and Patton is a great scapegoat as he has a profile but is also shithouse thus expendable) I will be surprised if it's much more than a fine/internal suspension and sending him off to some bullshit "respect for women" course.

They'd want to be careful about what precedent they set because there is absolutely multiple AFL players doing this (or worse or similiar). You don't want to very publicly sack Patton for this then two weeks later reports emerge of someone valuable to the league (Lets use Bont as an hypothetical example as I imagine he is exceedingly unlikely to actually do something like this) and everyone having to backflip why his case is different and can be served through an just educational course.

12-01-2021, 11:26 AM
Aside from this being gross and sexually violent, its just so WEIRD man. How could you look at him the same way ever again?

The Hawks, being the late stage capitalists they are, will rightly realise that the social capital they will get out of sacking him far outweighs what he can bring on the field and sack him. The right outcome as long as they don’t show their working out.

It is all speculative at this stage, but I have heard it is not only lewd messages and photos but also video involved. If true, surely he must be sacked.

12-01-2021, 11:38 AM
Aside from this being gross and sexually violent, its just so WEIRD man. How could you look at him the same way ever again?

The Hawks, being the late stage capitalists they are, will rightly realise that the social capital they will get out of sacking him far outweighs what he can bring on the field and sack him. The right outcome as long as they don’t show their working out.

I didn't think I'd be reading the phrase 'late stage capitalist' on WOOF today, but I'm here for it.

12-01-2021, 08:23 PM
It's a serious offense if proven to be true. I would imagine there is a team with the police that deal with this

Victoria Police have specialist Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation teams at most commands but I don't know if they only deal with physical assault or not. They used to have a Serious Sexual Crime Unit located in Flinders Street (long story short, I had to make a witness statement to support an old friend and something that happened to her) who would have handled this but I think that they have been replaced.

12-01-2021, 08:35 PM
I didn't think I'd be reading the phrase 'late stage capitalist' on WOOF today, but I'm here for it.

It's the best new phrase I've heard since "post colonialism"

13-01-2021, 09:38 PM
Apparently in hospital to treat ongoing mental health issues:


13-01-2021, 11:54 PM
Apparently in hospital to treat ongoing mental health issues:


Surprise, surprise.

14-01-2021, 09:53 AM
Likely career over, reputation in tatters. No doubt he's struggling.

14-01-2021, 10:08 AM
Likely career over, reputation in tatters. No doubt he's struggling.

I wish him a speedy recovery but I wonder at what point did he realise he needed help.

14-01-2021, 10:09 AM
Some people deal with mental illness differently. Many become introspective, withdraw from their social circles etc.

And then there are others who send 100s of unsolicited dick picks and sexually aggressive texts.

14-01-2021, 11:24 AM
According to some screenshots, 1000s - 20 to 40 per night. He only needed one positive response, and he was shameless.

The Underdog
14-01-2021, 12:29 PM
I wish him a speedy recovery but I wonder at what point did he realise he needed help.

The sceptic in me suggests it was probably fairly recently.

14-01-2021, 12:59 PM
According to some screenshots, 1000s - 20 to 40 per night. He only needed one positive response, and he was shameless.

If true then he certainly does have very real problems that need to be addressed and needless to say he should not be anywhere near a football club.

14-01-2021, 01:42 PM
According to some screenshots, 1000s - 20 to 40 per night. He only needed one positive response, and he was shameless.

Those numbers are pretty staggering..............

Axe Man
14-01-2021, 01:57 PM
Those numbers are pretty staggering..............

If the subject matter wasn't so unsavory it would actually be kind of impressive. Perhaps he should pursue a career in sales where his dogged persistence can be put to a legitimate use.

14-01-2021, 02:20 PM
If the subject matter wasn't so unsavory it would actually be kind of impressive. Perhaps he should pursue a career in sales where his dogged persistence can be put to a legitimate use.

Patton realty - "Doesn't take 'no' for an answer"

Then insert his head onto a body with a yellow blazer

14-01-2021, 02:34 PM
If the subject matter wasn't so unsavory it would actually be kind of impressive. Perhaps he should pursue a career in sales where his dogged persistence can be put to a legitimate use.

Selling used cars might be all that's left once this is all said and done.

Given the messages flying around, I wonder if he'll celebrate his 100th car sale with a frozen ice cream cake?

16-04-2021, 11:09 PM
One of the reasons I couldn't stand him:


Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
16-04-2021, 11:27 PM
Normally I'm pretty happy to give blokes the benefit of the doubt, especially when their career has been curtailed by injury. But not in this case. Patton has been a flog of the highest order, and he strikes me as one of those who by dint of his size, lorded over others, and was pandered to by junior coaches.
I've had first hand experience with those types in Qld, being in the same class as Julian O'Neil.
They get a free pass for their behaviour from those who could hold them to account because they don't want to risk them going elsewhere.
It does those kids a disservice later in life.
I'll never forget how Parton cruelly taunted Tom Boyd in the preliminary. So glad that it backfired.

Patton will not be missed by me.

16-04-2021, 11:47 PM
The spectacle of the game is poorer for not seeing him in full flight, regardless of his personality. Think Carey/Stringer

17-04-2021, 12:37 AM
One of the reasons I couldn't stand him:


I remember this. No wonder Tom wanted to get out of there. Would be tough having to play with such a douche. And his taunting of Tom in the prelim just confirmed what type of person he is. So glad Tom played a blinder in both the prelim and grand final to win a flag. Jono also got his just deserves.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
17-04-2021, 01:50 AM
The spectacle of the game is poorer for not seeing him in full flight, regardless of his personality. Think Carey/Stringer

Nope, I disagree. There are plenty enough great players who aren't entitled arseholes.

17-04-2021, 06:46 AM
I remember this. No wonder Tom wanted to get out of there. Would be tough having to play with such a douche. And his taunting of Tom in the prelim just confirmed what type of person he is. So glad Tom played a blinder in both the prelim and grand final to win a flag. Jono also got his just deserves.

Tom Boyd will be remembered as a premiership player who kicked one of the best goals in AFL grand final history and probably should be a Norm Smith medallist whilst Jon Patton will be remembered for sending dic pics. Sometimes, not always, sometimes life has a way of working itself out just right.

17-04-2021, 10:02 AM
The spectacle of the game is poorer for not seeing him in full flight, regardless of his personality. Think Carey/Stringer

He never ever got close to being that good

17-04-2021, 10:03 AM
What was the taunting in the prelim?

Sounds like it might be time for me to watch that game again

17-04-2021, 10:22 AM
What was the taunting in the prelim?

Sounds like it might be time for me to watch that game again

There's a point, I think in the 3rd or 4th quarter, where Patton marks and goals. I think he took the mark over Boyd? Either way Boyd was in the area and Patton rubs it in his face after kicking the goal. It was directed straight at Boyd.

17-04-2021, 10:52 AM
Normally I'm pretty happy to give blokes the benefit of the doubt, especially when their career has been curtailed by injury. But not in this case. Patton has been a flog of the highest order, and he strikes me as one of those who by dint of his size, lorded over others, and was pandered to by junior coaches.
I've had first hand experience with those types in Qld, being in the same class as Julian O'Neil.
They get a free pass for their behaviour from those who could hold them to account because they don't want to risk them going elsewhere.
It does those kids a disservice later in life.
I'll never forget how Parton cruelly taunted Tom Boyd in the preliminary. So glad that it backfired.

Patton will not be missed by me.

Is that the rugby league Julian O’Neill? Quality bloke wasn’t he!!! Urinating in a casino; defecating in a teammate’s shoe - the infamous ‘poo in the shoe’ incident. I digress. Back to Patton - his behaviour has been appalling and he should have been sacked (not just stood down) immediately by Hawthorn (and the AFL) for his indiscretions as what he did was abhorrent. Assuming he is still facing criminal charges for his actions.

17-04-2021, 12:20 PM
What was the taunting in the prelim?

Sounds like it might be time for me to watch that game again

I’d take any excuse to watch that game again.

17-04-2021, 01:57 PM
One of the reasons I couldn't stand him:


I remember reading that quote and thinking that particular group of GWS players would never win a flag*. That statement screams entitlement and an attitude that success would just happen for them without sacrificing anything or working hard.

*I didn't think that we would at the time either but that's another story!

17-04-2021, 02:40 PM
I remember reading that quote and thinking that particular group of GWS players would never win a flag*. That statement screams entitlement and an attitude that success would just happen for them without sacrificing anything or working hard.

*I didn't think that we would at the time either but that's another story!

Also funny how so many of them ended up leaving anyway.

17-04-2021, 03:07 PM
What was the taunting in the prelim?

Sounds like it might be time for me to watch that game again

There's a point, I think in the 3rd or 4th quarter, where Patton marks and goals. I think he took the mark over Boyd? Either way Boyd was in the area and Patton rubs it in his face after kicking the goal. It was directed straight at Boyd.

I think it was Rory Lobbe who was rucking at the time pushing forward to take what was a pretty good mark running back and across into a pack with Boyd trailing a bit behind.

Anyway, you can clearly see Patton taunting Boydy Boydy or something similar.........not the worst thing that's happened on a footy field.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
17-04-2021, 03:17 PM
I think it was Rory Lobbe who was rucking at the time pushing forward to take what was a pretty good mark running back and across into a pack with Boyd trailing a bit behind.

Anyway, you can clearly see Patton taunting Boydy Boydy or something similar.........not the worst thing that's happened on a footy field.

No not the worst, but it really smacked of schoolboyish bullying, where Patton makes an inane comment and all his droogs laugh slavishly at his 'wit'.

17-04-2021, 03:23 PM
No not the worst, but it really smacked of schoolboyish bullying, where Patton makes an inane comment and all his droogs laugh slavishly at his 'wit'.

Don't get me wrong I hated him for it and think he's a massive wanker.

17-04-2021, 03:30 PM
No not the worst, but it really smacked of schoolboyish bullying, where Patton makes an inane comment and all his droogs laugh slavishly at his 'wit'.

He franked it at Marvel the next year from memory.

Just an average player.

17-04-2021, 03:46 PM
I think it was Rory Lobbe who was rucking at the time pushing forward to take what was a pretty good mark running back and across into a pack with Boyd trailing a bit behind.

Anyway, you can clearly see Patton taunting Boydy Boydy or something similar.........not the worst thing that's happened on a footy field.

Ah that’s what happened. I’ll need to rewatch the game in it’s entirety to refresh my memory.

The incident on its own is nothing. But it serves to point to the type of person Jono is, conforming his comments about Boyd earlier on.

17-04-2021, 04:41 PM
The conversation has certainly moved away from the reasons why he is now out of the game. The rest of it is a bit irrelevant to be honest. The fact is he just isn't a decent bloke

The bulldog tragician
17-04-2021, 10:02 PM
So Jon Patton forced out for lewd photos and disrespect. Good.

Wayne Carey has been guilty of sexual assault and violent incidents towards women. He is front and centre of channel Seven commentary where everyone fawns over his opinions, and has a weekly column at the so-called leftie publication The Age.

Good riddance to Patton ( I also remember him taunting our Lewy Young) but we still have a long long way to go.

17-04-2021, 10:08 PM
So Jon Patton forced out for lewd photos and disrespect. Good.

Wayne Carey has been guilty of sexual assault and violent incidents towards women. He is front and centre of channel Seven commentary where everyone fawns over his opinions, and has a weekly column at the so-called leftie publication The Age.

Good riddance to Patton ( I also remember him taunting our Lewy Young) but we still have a long long way to go.

I do what I can to not listen too him. I'm hoping enough enough people acknowledge he's been a despicable man the ratings will push him out. Not sure I've got enough mates to make that happen though ;)

17-04-2021, 11:49 PM
The conversation has certainly moved away from the reasons why he is now out of the game. The rest of it is a bit irrelevant to be honest. The fact is he just isn't a decent bloke

I don't know about that. The point started out being that Patton is a dispicable wanker and got himself in this situation. The conversation hasn't verged far from the point that he virtually blew up his career himself because he is a dispicable wanker I reckon.

18-04-2021, 12:37 AM
I don't know about that. The point started out being that Patton is a dispicable wanker and got himself in this situation. The conversation hasn't verged far from the point that he virtually blew up his career himself because he is a dispicable wanker I reckon.

Yeah they kind of go hand in hand, whilst one issue with him shouldn't be conflated with the other which I don't think is what's happened here.

Not all entitled wankers behave just one way with their entitlement, some can multi-task!

18-04-2021, 09:07 AM
A really ordinary bloke. Could tell that from a mile out. He ran it up his own flag pole.

18-04-2021, 09:26 AM
Booking yourself into hospital for mental health reasons is a big thing nowadays - career in politics in the offing maybe?

18-04-2021, 01:22 PM
Pretty crazy that of the 3 key forwards taken with pick 1 between 2011 and 2014 there has been one mediocre career with a slightly early retirement, another probably even more mediocre career with a brief good blip (+premiership) and then a very early retirement, and another career that never really got going and ended very prematurely.

None of the three ever really looked like being even a top 10 key forward in the comp, all were the big lumbering types that have been horribly out of fashion for a decade, all three suffered from multiple and serious injuries and mental health issues, and if you did a redraft of each of their years I doubt any of them go in the first 15 picks.

18-04-2021, 04:36 PM
Pretty crazy that of the 3 key forwards taken with pick 1 between 2011 and 2014 there has been one mediocre career with a slightly early retirement, another probably even more mediocre career with a brief good blip (+premiership) and then a very early retirement, and another career that never really got going and ended very prematurely.

None of the three ever really looked like being even a top 10 key forward in the comp, all were the big lumbering types that have been horribly out of fashion for a decade, all three suffered from multiple and serious injuries and mental health issues, and if you did a redraft of each of their years I doubt any of them go in the first 15 picks.

You forget that most of the big guys take much longer to mature and we don't know how they would have turned out if they had no physical or mental issues. Patton with three knee reco's didn't help him.