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09-12-2023, 03:11 PM
Found this an interesting survey on SEN (https://www.sen.com.au/news/2023/12/09/fan-survey-results-who-is-the-most-disliked-afl-team-and-everyones-second/) of 60,000 peoples views on the the team they dislike the most and their 2nd favourite teams
Which AFL teams are most disliked by the general fan?

After over 60,000 responses to our fan survey, we have an answer!

Over a quarter of responses to our prompt selected Collingwood, truly encapsulating the ?us against them? mentality.

Essendon came in next at 14.4%, with Carlton at 14.1% and Geelong at 8.6% to round out the top four.

Gold Coast received the least votes at 0.4%, with North Melbourne at 1.2% and Fremantle at 1.4%.

We also asked in the survey who your second favourite team is, with GWS leading the way at 18.1%.

The Suns came in second at 10.6% and Brisbane at 10.1%. The Western Bulldogs at 7.6% and St Kilda at 5.9% were the next highest results.

Essendon received the fewest ?second favourite team? votes at just 1.8%.

Which AFL team do you dislike the most?

Collingwood ? 25.5%
Essendon ? 14.4%
Carlton ? 14.1%
Geelong ? 8.6%
Port Adelaide ? 6.8%
West Coast ? 4.8%
Richmond ? 4.2%
Hawthorn ? 3.8%
Adelaide ? 3.5%
Melbourne ? 2.6%
St Kilda ? 2.2%
Western Bulldogs ? 1.9%
Sydney ? 1.7%
GWS Giants ? 1.6%
Brisbane ? 1.4%
Fremantle ? 1.4%
North Melbourne ? 1.2%
Gold Coast ? 0.4%

How in the heck are Essendon not the most disliked team is beyond me.

Which AFL team is your second favourite team?

GWS Giants ? 18.1%
Gold Coast ? 10.6%
Brisbane ? 10.1%
Western Bulldogs ? 7.9%
St Kilda ? 5.9%
Sydney ? 5.5%
Geelong ? 5.1%
Carlton ? 4.9%
North Melbourne ? 4.9%
Collingwood ? 4.4%
Melbourne ? 3.9%
Fremantle ? 3.6%
Adelaide ? 3.2%
Port Adelaide ? 2.8%
Hawthorn ? 2.7%
Richmond ? 2.6%
West Coast ? 2.0%
Essendon ? 1.8%

The Doctor
09-12-2023, 03:29 PM
We also asked in the survey who your second favourite team is, with GWS leading the way at 18.1%.

WTF? How?

What is wrong with people these days?

09-12-2023, 05:14 PM
WTF? How?

What is wrong with people these days?

Not hating Essendon the most, having GWS as their '2nd team' is just so wrong.

Rocket Science
09-12-2023, 05:54 PM
How in the heck are Essendon not the most disliked team is beyond me.

On the other hand it's kind of great that they can't even win that.

09-12-2023, 08:00 PM
I'm happy enough with the top 3 dislikes although I would to shuffle GWS right under Geelong.

09-12-2023, 08:06 PM
If I had a 100 points to allocate to my most despised teams it would be

Essendon 80 points
Geelong 10 points
GWS 5 points
Carlton 5 points

09-12-2023, 08:09 PM
If I had a 100 points to allocate to my most despised teams it would be

Essendon 80 points
Geelong 10 points
GWS 5 points
Carlton 5 points

Mine is Essendon 60, and Carlton 40

09-12-2023, 08:48 PM
If I had a 100 points to allocate to my most despised teams it would be

Essendon 80 points
Geelong 10 points
GWS 5 points
Carlton 5 points


I'd be Essendon 99.5
Cats 0.15
Aints 0.15
Norf 0.1
Carl 0.1

GWS don't count : plastics.

09-12-2023, 08:50 PM
Yeah I'd have essendon 99.
Geelong 1

Happy Days
10-12-2023, 12:12 AM
I really hate Melbourne except now we injected ourselves with some of the poison like when Vince McMahon brought the NWO to the WWE.

I also really hate St Kilda. You can’t pretend to hate Collingwood anymore they’re simply too sick.

10-12-2023, 01:22 AM
Most rated 2nd favourite team…. GWS ��������
The Dogs rivalry with Giants is strong in our house, most disliked team. The goodness of Cal Ward will never cover for the behaviour of Green.

10-12-2023, 02:41 AM
Whew. Must remember never ever again to express the slightest sympathy toward those best unnamed!

10-12-2023, 04:24 AM
If I had a 100 points to allocate to my most despised teams it would be

Essendon 80 points
Geelong 10 points
GWS 5 points
Carlton 5 points

70 - West Coast Eagles
20 - Essendon
10 - Brisbane

To me, the Eagles broke up the VFL. I know that’s not the case, but that’s what I choose to believe. Plus their supporters are Royal A-Grade, Chardonnay Sipping Tossers.

10-12-2023, 08:10 AM
Whew. Must remember never ever again to express the slightest sympathy toward those best unnamed!

Ha. Yes you were brave xD

80s Essendon was a vile incarnation. Think I still have ptsd from Windy Hill as a kid.

10-12-2023, 10:30 AM
On the other hand it's kind of great that they can't even win that.

Thankyou RS for my daily chuckle. Gold. Amen.

10-12-2023, 11:44 AM
Interesting responses

For me it has to be a line ball between Caaaarrrrlton and the Great Waste of Space

10-12-2023, 01:10 PM
I really hate North. And Essendon. And GWS. Geelong are a pack of ****s. So are St Kilda
No time for Carlton. Or Richmond. Collingwood can get ****ed. So can Hawthorn. And Gold Coast. And Adelaide. Can't stand West Coast. Or Adelaide. Or Fremantle. Port Adelaide are a waste of space. So are Sydney. Never liked Fitzroy. Or South Melbourne come to that. Melbourne can stick it. Don't get me started on University. And Brisbane Lions and Bears bring out the worst in me.

Apart from all them I'm pretty agnostic

10-12-2023, 01:30 PM
Essendon are the worst, Geelong also not good.

Against the trend atm GWS, Adelaide and Collingwood are my favourite teams to watch aside from us, so would all be in contention for my "liked" category.

Toby Greene might be the leader for both categories too if it was player based, majestic to watch in games but also a huge grub.

10-12-2023, 02:02 PM
Essendon by the length of the straight with Geelong and Richmond finishing out my top 3.

10-12-2023, 04:35 PM
Another for Essendon as my most despised team.

10-12-2023, 05:32 PM
Melbourne is my most despised team and it isn't even close.

10-12-2023, 05:40 PM
My 3 teams have been ingrained in me since I was a kid.

1. Collingwood

2. Essendon

3. Carlton

10-12-2023, 05:43 PM
All the interstate teams, in order with newest most despised.
Worst after that are the Handbaggers, Blues and Dees.

10-12-2023, 08:20 PM
Bombers and Demons are probably a 50/50 split for me.

I really don't like the GIANTS (thank god they got a new style guide and don't capitalise their name in all communications anymore) but find there is nobody who DOES like them so it takes away some of the joy of hating them.

If we're talking players...
1. Toby Greene
2. Bailey Fritsch
3. Tough guy Kozzie

10-12-2023, 11:04 PM
Essendon - not in a love to hate, happy to have a local rival to really get fired up over way. In a real visceral, sadistic way. If I could round up every Essendon person ever, my best mates and grandfather included, all their fans, all their players, all their administrators, bootstudders, the lot, lock them in a cage, take the cage to a very large cliff and push it just enough to teeter and walk away knowing nature might do the rest, I would.

Not every POS is an Essendon fan, but every Essendon fan is a POS.

Then I’d say GWS. Mostly because they are like a botched clone of Essendon, grown in a Petri dish using a stool sample swabbed out of Sheedy’s mouth. They wore Red White and Blue as their first colours. They have the biggest POS in the game as their skipper. Countless reasons to dislike them.

Then it’s NORF. If GWS are a botched clone of Essendon. These malakas are ALDI to Essendon Coles. Very insecure people that often try to invoke the brotherhood of battler clubs with us. In reality though, if we were both sleeping rough, and had a loaf of bread to share, they’d slit your throat in the night and eat the bread. Then sook about it.

10-12-2023, 11:11 PM
Essendon - not in a love to hate, happy to have a local rival to really get fired up over way. In a real visceral, sadistic way. If I could round up every Essendon person ever, my best mates and grandfather included, all their fans, all their players, all their administrators, bootstudders, the lot, lock them in a cage, take the cage to a very large cliff and push it just enough to teeter and walk away knowing nature might do the rest, I would.

Not every POS is an Essendon fan, but every Essendon fan is a POS.

Then I’d say GWS. Mostly because they are like a botched clone of Essendon, grown in a Petri dish using a stool sample swabbed out of Sheedy’s mouth. They wore Red White and Blue as their first colours. They have the biggest POS in the game as their skipper. Countless reasons to dislike them.

Then it’s NORF. If GWS are a botched clone of Essendon. These malakas are ALDI to Essendon Coles. Very insecure people that often try to invoke the brotherhood of battler clubs with us. In reality though, if we were both sleeping rough, and had a loaf of bread to share, they’d slit your throat in the night and eat the bread. Then sook about it.

I take it you weren't close ...

11-12-2023, 01:59 AM
I take it you weren't close ...

He was a terrific fella, though I can’t recall much about him. It has come to the fore though that he regularly tried to sway us to to dark side which spits his legacy. My other grandfather, a Collingwood fan, a dark secret only revealed to me by accident at my buck’s night by an uncle, never sunk so low as to try that on.

11-12-2023, 11:08 AM
WTF? How?

What is wrong with people these days?
Only the Dogs really have any sort of history with GWS. Otherwise they are completely ignored by the rest of the competition, hence why they are "2nd favourite". It's far worse to be ignored than to be hated.

11-12-2023, 12:44 PM
If I had a 100 points to allocate to my most despised teams it would be

Essendon 80 points
Geelong 10 points
GWS 5 points
Carlton 5 points

Essendon 75 points
Geelong 10 points
Richmond 10 points
Melbourne 5 points.