View Full Version : Bevo on AFL 360

13-05-2024, 07:46 PM

13-05-2024, 08:06 PM
Bevo opening up about how challenging the week was with all the outside noise. He was very proud of how everyone internally handled it, both the staff and the players.

13-05-2024, 08:07 PM
Bevo said that he used to get upset by some outside commentary but he doesn't now, because he knows which ones just make it up! He said a lot of the commentary is water off a ducks back because he knows it isn't true.

13-05-2024, 08:08 PM
Does it effect the people around you? Yes it does. There is still a lot of credibility in jouranlism, but there a few people who let you all down.

13-05-2024, 08:11 PM
I love Luke Beveridge.

13-05-2024, 08:15 PM
One of Bevo?s best interviews for mine, it was great to hear from him directly about where the team is at and change it is.

13-05-2024, 08:21 PM
Does it effect the people around you? Yes it does. There is still a lot of credibility in jouranlism, but there a few people who let you all down.

Could you name a creditable journo ?
Don’t get them mixed up with an AFL reporter.
Journos are all about making a story with no actual backing it up with facts, trying to compete for the clicks , then they all go with that story.
It’s spin doctoring headline grabbing stories and 99% aren’t true.

13-05-2024, 08:32 PM
Bevo speaking about the evolution of our footy team. How many younger players are playing more prominent roles. Talks about this evolution of the club will be very different to the past, especially the core midfield group. There is change afoot.

He says he wants to stay around. He has lots of energy still. He wants to ensure that his place at the footy club is demanded and needed. If it is time for change we will all need to make that decision together. The antenna will need to be up

He always says that there are three things that get you.

1. Media. Outside noise. It can become too much. If it gets to that, just tell me. We are not there at the moment.

2. Bevo can do something wrong. A sackable offence. He will be sacked.

3. You lose the playing group. He doesn't believe he will ever lose the playing group. That won't happen.

13-05-2024, 08:41 PM
Bevo on Libba. With recent retirements my concern around Libba is significant.

We hold on to a strong hope that he can play again.

(Reading his body language and just guessing, my thoughts were he thinks that Libba will not play again.)

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
13-05-2024, 08:55 PM
Great job AP. I watched the interview and you nailed it.

13-05-2024, 09:14 PM
You can often tell when a coach is struggling and it's not just with the wins and losses and I'm not sensing that in anyway with Bevo.
I'm chips in on him coaching out the year in just about any scenario. I'm also open to him going on beyond his contract but understanding things can change.

13-05-2024, 09:18 PM
You can often tell when a coach is struggling and it's not just with the wins and losses and I'm not sensing that in anyway with Bevo.
I'm chips in on him coaching out the year in just about any scenario. I'm also open to him going on beyond his contract but understanding things can change.

Same GVGjr. He spoke really well and still has unwavering belief in himself.

I also got great comfort from his self awareness around when a coaching tenure comes to an end and the conversations he has had with the senior leaders in the club.

13-05-2024, 09:20 PM
You can often tell when a coach is struggling and it's not just with the wins and losses and I'm not sensing that in anyway with Bevo.
I'm chips in on him coaching out the year in just about any scenario. I'm also open to him going on beyond his contract but understanding things can change.

He has admitted the team is changing and pointed it out , so no way will the club sack him when they have obviously agreed on the new evolution.

13-05-2024, 09:27 PM
With Beveridge people try and find something in the things he isn't saying rather than just listening to the things he is saying.

He's been consistent with his messaging all year, and was again tonight. We need to evolve to improve and steps are being taken to to ensure that evolution. When he reeled off the names in the side Saturday night it was really obvious we're watching a completely different team from the 2021 GF side and those that followed.

13-05-2024, 09:28 PM
As an aside, I loved Longmuir giving Geelong a clip for how they abused the HIA assessment with Jeremy Cameron. Incident has been totally swept under the carpet.

Brent Daniels had to come off in a PF with 5 mins to go (no concussion confirmed) and that incident was far less severe than Cameron's one.

Geelong need to be held to account but these pricks operate under different rules to the rest of the competition (as evidenced by their 55 stages of pissant pork-barrel $500m stadium upgrades).

13-05-2024, 09:39 PM
You can often tell when a coach is struggling and it's not just with the wins and losses and I'm not sensing that in anyway with Bevo.
I'm chips in on him coaching out the year in just about any scenario. I'm also open to him going on beyond his contract but understanding things can change.

Why would he be? He’s safe as houses, has all the time in the world.

13-05-2024, 09:53 PM
I thought Bevo represented himself and the club very well. He came across as someone who was confident in his ability and with a solid understanding of where the club is at in this current evolution.

Hopefully we can be competitive in this next stretch of games, win a few and silence some of the critics.

13-05-2024, 10:13 PM
Bevo speaking about the evolution of our footy team. How many younger players are playing more prominent roles. Talks about this evolution of the club will be very different to the past, especially the core midfield group. There is change afoot.

He says he wants to stay around. He has lots of energy still. He wants to ensure that his place at the footy club is demanded and needed. If it is time for change we will all need to make that decision together. The antenna will need to be up

He always says that there are three things that get you.

1. Media. Outside noise. It can become too much. If it gets to that, just tell me. We are not there at the moment.

2. Bevo can do something wrong. A sackable offence. He will be sacked.

3. You lose the playing group. He doesn't believe he will ever lose the playing group. That won't happen.
Did you play evolution bingo?

https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3AwanFqNXJsaHc0eWhtaGVhcnBuZHBldnE2b3hnb mtlNzdrNXB0ZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX/giphy.gif

13-05-2024, 11:08 PM
I thought Bevo represented himself and the club very well. He came across as someone who was confident in his ability and with a solid understanding of where the club is at in this current evolution.

Hopefully we can be competitive in this next stretch of games, win a few and silence some of the critics.

Thanks for your updates, well summed up for those who didn't get a chance to watch it.

14-05-2024, 12:16 AM
The most impressive thing for me is that the bloody rockstar wore Birkenstocks on live tv.

14-05-2024, 12:50 AM
The most impressive thing for me is that the bloody rockstar wore Birkenstocks on live tv.

I almost vomited thinking they put him on live TV with no shoes on, and then I virtually vomited again when I realised they put him on live TV in Berks.

The last time I saw anything as crazy as that was when Alastair Clarkson wore shorts on "On the Couch" when he'd just taken over the Hawks.

14-05-2024, 08:35 AM
I almost vomited thinking they put him on live TV with no shoes on, and then I virtually vomited again when I realised they put him on live TV in Berks.

The last time I saw anything as crazy as that was when Alastair Clarkson wore shorts on "On the Couch" when he'd just taken over the Hawks.

Some things just stick with you don’t they?

14-05-2024, 08:37 AM
I almost vomited thinking they put him on live TV with no shoes on, and then I virtually vomited again when I realised they put him on live TV in Berks.

The last time I saw anything as crazy as that was when Alastair Clarkson wore shorts on "On the Couch" when he'd just taken over the Hawks.

Probably had his wetsuit on underneath the polo and chinos.

14-05-2024, 08:39 AM
He always says that there are three things that get you.

1. Media. Outside noise. It can become too much. If it gets to that, just tell me. We are not there at the moment.

2. Bevo can do something wrong. A sackable offence. He will be sacked.

3. You lose the playing group. He doesn't believe he will ever lose the playing group. That won't happen.

Where does a poor W/L record and not getting the best out of a group fit in here?

Is that just not a thing for Bevo?

14-05-2024, 08:43 AM
Where does a poor W/L record and not getting the best out of a group fit in here?

Is that just not a thing for Bevo?

Number 2.

14-05-2024, 09:55 AM
Where does a poor W/L record and not getting the best out of a group fit in here?

Is that just not a thing for Bevo?

It plays a big part in the assessment but at the moment waiting until the end of the season seems okay to me rather than just making a change.

14-05-2024, 10:35 AM
It plays a big part in the assessment but at the moment waiting until the end of the season seems okay to me rather than just making a change.

We now know what the reviews were.
To refresh the list a little and change tact, new assistants new ideas would help that, Beveridge was still seen as the coach to do it.
I believe there is a set plan within the club and they are all on board, they know there might be hiccups.
I’ve also seen little snippets of the VFLW and AFLW sides being merged as a one team, all in it together mentality and we all know how bad our women’s program has been the last few years.
Check out our VFLW results and our VFL results, something is a foot and it looks extremely positive.
This could be our Brendan Gale Richmond moment, time will tell.

14-05-2024, 10:39 AM
Some things just stick with you don?t they?

https://i.postimg.cc/C1xQqDLQ/Bevo-Crocs.jpg (https://postimg.cc/NyZDhKX6)

14-05-2024, 11:09 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/C1xQqDLQ/Bevo-Crocs.jpg (https://postimg.cc/NyZDhKX6)

He certainly is a different cat old Bevo. Gives 0 fks.

14-05-2024, 11:46 AM
Number 2.

In the way Bevo described number 2 it didn't feel like being at the helm of a under performing team was in that category.

It plays a big part in the assessment but at the moment waiting until the end of the season seems okay to me rather than just making a change.

I'm ok with that too... for me it is as simple as we need to make the finals and perform in them for him to stay on. Having 3 BOG average years in a row after our GF year simply isn't good enough.

A huge 5 weeks coming up for Bevo.

14-05-2024, 12:37 PM
In the way Bevo described number 2 it didn't feel like being at the helm of a under performing team was in that category.

I'm ok with that too... for me it is as simple as we need to make the finals and perform in them for him to stay on. Having 3 BOG average years in a row after our GF year simply isn't good enough.

A huge 5 weeks coming up for Bevo.

I liked the way he described us going through a rebuild stage without actually using the term rebuild. The new look team ... and the new faces in key positions were terms he used instead of rebuild.

Given the review at the end of th year, I am of the opinion that we are going through a rebuilding phase with the support and full knowledge of the board. The fact that number one was (1.) Media. Outside noise. It can become too much. If it gets to that, just tell me. We are not there at the moment. tells me the Board know of the rebuild, are happy with an average year because of the rebuild, but id media gets too much, he will fall on his sword. (mind you I could be reading too much into it :))

14-05-2024, 12:38 PM
In the way Bevo described number 2 it didn't feel like being at the helm of a under performing team was in that category.

I'm ok with that too... for me it is as simple as we need to make the finals and perform in them for him to stay on. Having 3 BOG average years in a row after our GF year simply isn't good enough.

A huge 5 weeks coming up for Bevo.
Agreed, we have to start performing and making finals is the first objective.

14-05-2024, 01:25 PM
I liked the way he described us going through a rebuild stage without actually using the term rebuild. The new look team ... and the new faces in key positions were terms he used instead of rebuild.

Given the review at the end of th year, I am of the opinion that we are going through a rebuilding phase with the support and full knowledge of the board. The fact that number one was (1.) Media. Outside noise. It can become too much. If it gets to that, just tell me. We are not there at the moment. tells me the Board know of the rebuild, are happy with an average year because of the rebuild, but id media gets too much, he will fall on his sword. (mind you I could be reading too much into it :))

It's not really a rebuild stage rather a refresh, in Bevo's time we haven't bottomed out like other clubs have done after having success or being near the top to have a real shot at it, Geelong have been masters of it for 20 years, everyone keeps saying they're too old, when will they fall etc but they never do.

It's absolutely fair to critique the club and Bevo for scraping into finals yet in his time the lowest we've finished was 13th, but then reached the finals the following season, this seems to be his mantra of keeping the ball rolling along rather than bouncing up and down.

14-05-2024, 01:31 PM
I liked the way he described us going through a rebuild stage without actually using the term rebuild. The new look team ... and the new faces in key positions were terms he used instead of rebuild.

Given the review at the end of th year, I am of the opinion that we are going through a rebuilding phase with the support and full knowledge of the board. The fact that number one was (1.) Media. Outside noise. It can become too much. If it gets to that, just tell me. We are not there at the moment. tells me the Board know of the rebuild, are happy with an average year because of the rebuild, but id media gets too much, he will fall on his sword. (mind you I could be reading too much into it :))

That kind of flies in the face of our off season recruiting. Picking for the now rather than future. Why would we go after playerw like Harmes, Bramble and Lobb the season before if we did not believe we're contending? This whole "evolution" BS is on the fly. We've found we're not good enough so using this fluff to sugar coat our poor start. As much as I have been in the sack Bevo camp we have put our faith in him so he needs to be judged on the overall season. I hope he can turn things around, I truly do.

14-05-2024, 02:32 PM
As an aside, I loved Longmuir giving Geelong a clip for how they abused the HIA assessment with Jeremy Cameron. Incident has been totally swept under the carpet.

Brent Daniels had to come off in a PF with 5 mins to go (no concussion confirmed) and that incident was far less severe than Cameron's one.

Geelong need to be held to account but these pricks operate under different rules to the rest of the competition (as evidenced by their 55 stages of pissant pork-barrel $500m stadium upgrades).

I love how much you hate Geelong I hate them that much too.

14-05-2024, 02:37 PM
That kind of flies in the face of our off season recruiting. Picking for the now rather than future. Why would we go after playerw like Harmes, Bramble and Lobb the season before if we did not believe we're contending? This whole "evolution" BS is on the fly. We've found we're not good enough so using this fluff to sugar coat our poor start. As much as I have been in the sack Bevo camp we have put our faith in him so he needs to be judged on the overall season. I hope he can turn things around, I truly do.

I think it's just a way's of not letting the team bottom out when we think change is needed in the list, but still focus on drafting too without needing to completely turn the list over a few seasons with 7-9 new draftees each year, with the intel on draftees these days compared to 10-20 years ago would be at it's strongest so it wouldn't as much a gamble on certain types or lower selections like it may have in the past, you also have the back up of the pre season draft too.

I believe that also goes well with improving the culture of the club, not being a North or Carlton or Dees who are spending or spent years near the bottom, West Coast have been an absolute rabble too, Collingwood, Geelong, Sydney etc have a great culture and we need to catch them with stability not only off field but on as well.

This is Bevo's 10th season and the lowest we finished was 13th, yet we played finals the following season, and i can't really see us bottoming out over the next 5-6 seasons.

14-05-2024, 02:47 PM
I love how much you hate Geelong I hate them that much too.
They did have the good grace to win a premiership in 2022 while I was completely oblivious and sunning myself in the Greek Islands (even at 8am when the GF was on).

14-05-2024, 03:52 PM
They did have the good grace to win a premiership in 2022 while I was completely oblivious and sunning myself in the Greek Islands (even at 8am when the GF was on).

So jelly in so many ways.

14-05-2024, 03:53 PM
That kind of flies in the face of our off season recruiting. Picking for the now rather than future. Why would we go after playerw like Harmes, Bramble and Lobb the season before if we did not believe we're contending? This whole "evolution" BS is on the fly. We've found we're not good enough so using this fluff to sugar coat our poor start. As much as I have been in the sack Bevo camp we have put our faith in him so he needs to be judged on the overall season. I hope he can turn things around, I truly do.

It dies and it doesn’t. The Geelongs and Sydneys are doing exactly that. Recruiting and blooding youth whilst also giving second chances to seasoned players. It keeps their club viable for the interim. As opposed to what Hawthorn have done throwing the baby out with the bath water.

14-05-2024, 03:55 PM
It could be contributed to the 91 point win, but I felt a lot more comfortable after watching Bevo on 360. I felt like I was actually hearing from the Dogs rather than slithers or snippets of information from articles. I would like more of this.

14-05-2024, 06:17 PM
I think Bevo presents better than any of the current coaches. The Swan's coach is probably runner up.

Handled Gerard and Robbo beautifully and still made a reasonable statement about the standard of journalism.

Relaxed, confident human being. Good communicator. Record of success. Exactly what you want for a coach.

14-05-2024, 07:26 PM
It was a good clip to a few in the footy media.

Agree he didn’t position W/L as a reason for being sacked or his tenure ending, but maybe it’s implicit across 2 of the other reasons. If the media are gunning usually because of a poor record. Lost playing group - maybe a symptom of or driver of the W/L.

14-05-2024, 08:02 PM
It was a good clip to a few in the footy media.

Agree he didn’t position W/L as a reason for being sacked or his tenure ending, but maybe it’s implicit across 2 of the other reasons. If the media are gunning usually because of a poor record. Lost playing group - maybe a symptom of or driver of the W/L.

Lost the playing group is not something they can run with after a 91 point win no matter who the opposition.

14-05-2024, 09:05 PM
That kind of flies in the face of our off season recruiting. Picking for the now rather than future. Why would we go after playerw like Harmes, Bramble and Lobb the season before if we did not believe we're contending? This whole "evolution" BS is on the fly. We've found we're not good enough so using this fluff to sugar coat our poor start. As much as I have been in the sack Bevo camp we have put our faith in him so he needs to be judged on the overall season. I hope he can turn things around, I truly do.

Harmes was a Dunkley replacement - needed that harder edge last year and have it this year and given Libba's gone down, having him could prove a master stroke;

Bramble has played every game so far. He has been good and will get better. Dureya at the Hawks was an in and out player who we prised away cheaply to become a mainstay in our defence. I think Bramble is ok.

Lobb - we drafted him a year too late. We needed him in 2022 not 2023 and now Darcy has gone past him. For me he was the one we should not have done.

If there is a bigger issue its retaining guys that we know are past it or going to struggle. Having Daniel in the 2's does nothing for us. Same with Macrae. If anything we should have been harder and tougher on fringe players.....McNeil, Scott, Cleary, POulter, Baker etc and been more critical of some of the junior players, Bedendo, A Jones and questoined whether they have the tools and attitude to make it.

Re the interview - I thought it was the best Bevo has been in a long while.

14-05-2024, 09:14 PM
Harmes was a Dunkley replacement - needed that harder edge last year and have it this year and given Libba's gone down, having him could prove a master stroke;

Bramble has played every game so far. He has been good and will get better. Dureya at the Hawks was an in and out player who we prised away cheaply to become a mainstay in our defence. I think Bramble is ok.

Lobb - we drafted him a year too late. We needed him in 2022 not 2023 and now Darcy has gone past him. For me he was the one we should not have done.

If there is a bigger issue its retaining guys that we know are past it or going to struggle. Having Daniel in the 2's does nothing for us. Same with Macrae. If anything we should have been harder and tougher on fringe players.....McNeil, Scott, Cleary, POulter, Baker etc and been more critical of some of the junior players, Bedendo, A Jones and questoined whether they have the tools and attitude to make it.

Re the interview - I thought it was the best Bevo has been in a long while.

I reckon we only shouldn’t have traded in Lobb because he had a bad season. In the preseason it was clear English needed support and it had to be someone who could play fwd, and Darcy was miles off. 2023 was the right time to bring Lobb in… but he just wasn’t very good. He’ll definitely move on after this season.

15-05-2024, 11:09 AM
I reckon we only shouldn’t have traded in Lobb because he had a bad season. In the preseason it was clear English needed support and it had to be someone who could play fwd, and Darcy was miles off. 2023 was the right time to bring Lobb in… but he just wasn’t very good. He’ll definitely move on after this season.
If only there was a proven ready-made elite first ruckman available and gettable on cheapish money at the same time, which would have allowed English to flourish as the elite 2nd ruck/forward that he is.

15-05-2024, 11:28 AM
If only there was a proven ready-made elite first ruckman available and gettable on cheapish money at the same time, which would have allowed English to flourish as the elite 2nd ruck/forward that he is.

Lol. Love it.

15-05-2024, 11:29 AM
If only there was a proven ready-made elite first ruckman available and gettable on cheapish money at the same time, which would have allowed English to flourish as the elite 2nd ruck/forward that he is.

You mean that AA ruckman English:)

15-05-2024, 12:18 PM
I normally watch 360 on Monday each week but didn't get to watch it this week.

Thanks for that AP.

15-05-2024, 12:29 PM
After a week of the media saying it’s time to go, last night they are sucking up like no tomorrow on how good he is.
A week is a long time in football.

15-05-2024, 12:38 PM
After a week of the media saying it’s time to go, last night they are sucking up like no tomorrow on how good he is.
A week is a long time in football.

Where was this happening?

15-05-2024, 12:55 PM
After a week of the media saying it’s time to go, last night they are sucking up like no tomorrow on how good he is.
A week is a long time in football.

Are you surprised though? If Bevo turns it around the gushing over him after that will be sickening.

15-05-2024, 01:06 PM
Are you surprised though? If Bevo turns it around the gushing over him after that will be sickening.
The ch 9 media mafia will never show anything more than faint praise when it comes to Bevo. It really is only Cornes, Damo, Caro and Morris who play the man and not the ball, because they have all had a direct run-ins with Bevo previously - everyone else in the media is measured and analytical with their discussions on Bevo.

15-05-2024, 01:10 PM
The ch 9 media mafia will never show anything more than faint praise when it comes to Bevo. It really is only Cornes, Damo, Caro and Morris who play the man and not the ball, because they have all had a direct run-ins with Bevo previously - everyone else in the media is measured and analytical with their discussions on Bevo.

I can see that git Damo gushing relelentlesly if things turn around. I don't think he has been as savage as usual lately, maybe the other 3 mentioned are beefing it up a bit more?

15-05-2024, 02:58 PM
For those who missed it - watch here (https://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/video/1554996/bevo-on-afl-360?videoId=1554996&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1715730801001)

15-05-2024, 03:47 PM
For those who missed it - watch here (https://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/video/1554996/bevo-on-afl-360?videoId=1554996&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1715730801001)
BAD, in ten words or less, explain to me the footwear.

15-05-2024, 04:07 PM
BAD, in ten words or less, explain to me the footwear.

Magnificent :D

15-05-2024, 04:24 PM
BAD, in ten words or less, explain to me the footwear.

I'll have a go :)
Protective, stylish and for a desk interview, appropriate.

15-05-2024, 04:27 PM
I'll have a go :)
Protective, stylish and for a desk interview, appropriate.
But its afl360. Bevo from all angles!

Not a bad effort ;)

Mine would be.

Went surfing, forgot my shoes.

15-05-2024, 04:34 PM
But its afl360. Bevo from all angles!

Not a bad effort ;)

Mine would be.

Went surfing, forgot my shoes.

Is there another coach who's appearance gets scrutinized as much as Bevo? :)
Hair, chopper mo and facial hair, teeth, clothing and footwear are all fair game for a high profile coach I guess but we knew he was a bit of an alternative type when we selected him. He seems to be cleaning up his appearance as he gets a bit older.

15-05-2024, 04:51 PM
Where was this happening?

Robbo and whateley on last nights 360 how much they like him.

15-05-2024, 07:22 PM
Robbo and whateley on last nights 360 how much they like him.

OK, so where have you seen those two be unfair in their critique of Beveridge career? Or they said he is no good?

Whenever Bevo does a major newspaper piece it is always with Robbo.

Whenever Bevo does a radio interview it is highly likely with Wheatley.

15-05-2024, 07:36 PM
OK, so where have you seen those two be unfair in their critique of Beveridge career? Or they said he is no good?

Whenever Bevo does a major newspaper piece it is always with Robbo.

Whenever Bevo does a radio interview it is highly likely with Wheatley.

On RSN on Tuesday morning Robbo was talking about how good Bevo was but noted that he got the impression that Bevo didn't like him that much. He added that while Bevo answered the questions he asked Bevo addressed Gerrard by his name in most of his responses but really didn't refer to him as Robbo or Mark. I think he added it was a minor observation in the scheme of things but he did pick up on it.
Anyway Bevo sounded strong and his answers were forthright and honest but really the only way to silence his critics is for the team to achieve a better win/loss ratio and that's been a challenge for the coach and players for a number of years now.
He's far from out of spotlight though and results over the next 5 weeks or so might determine if the drumbeats get louder or not.

15-05-2024, 07:42 PM
For those who missed it - watch here (https://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/video/1554996/bevo-on-afl-360?videoId=1554996&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1715730801001)

Love these bits. (Taking the lead from AP)


People are coming at you about your coaching. Is it water off a ducks back or does some of it get through and affect you?


There are a lot of people with valid perceptions of the club, but unfortunately people don't see what is really going on in the club internally. I have never questioned my own capabilities and the harmony within the clubs I have been involved in has always being on point and strong.

I think it would be disrespectful to say that it is water off a ducks back because some, who I respect, have pretty significant takes on what is going on.

But does it affect me?

It doesn't! Because all I can do is control what I can control.

Last week here was a lot of discussion externally that the dogs were going through a hard time. And we were.

But this is an opportunity to see how people respond. (Then a good explanation, well worth watching, about how everyone in the club [excluding 'fractious fans'] responded by pulling together.)


When it is said there is a wedge between the coach and the players, does that piss you off?


I must say that it used to, but now I know the ones that make it up. That is the unfortunate thing that is happening in journalism . With the amount of programmes and digital media there is just so much content that some people unfortunately make things up to get ahead of the curve. That stuff is water off a ducks back because I know it is not true. Does it affect people around you? It does, but that is a private matter and probably not worth talking about publicly.

There is still a lot of credibility in journalism - and you guys know that - and we respect what everyone does. But unfortunately sometimes some people let you all down.

I rate this last bit as one of the best media control methods of all time. It is positively Keatingesque. It puts every journalist on notice to be honest and fair and not to let the whole profession down 'like some people' do without having to name and shame. Watch every journo suck up to Bevo from now on and watch the haters to go very quiet.

15-05-2024, 07:44 PM
I must admit im soooo tired of Bevo's schtik.

Yawn to all the bevoness.

15-05-2024, 07:46 PM
I must admit im soooo tired of Bevo's schtik.

Yawn to all the bevoness.


I have not picked that up at all in the evolution of your recent posting.

15-05-2024, 07:51 PM

I have not picked that up at all in the evolution of your recent posting.


Is it just me....?

Bevo is above it all, and too cool, and wears sandals, and it doesnt affect him at all even though he savages the fk out of people and beats them up in the toilet (allegedly)... No.. Just goes through to the keeper.


Doesnt bother him at all, phew.


Edit: ok watching that again. I really want the moustache back. That was pretty bad ass.

Dogs 24/7
16-05-2024, 05:30 PM

Is it just me....?

Bevo is above it all, and too cool, and wears sandals, and it doesnt affect him at all even though he savages the fk out of people and beats them up in the toilet (allegedly)... No.. Just goes through to the keeper.


Doesnt bother him at all, phew.


Edit: ok watching that again. I really want the moustache back. That was pretty bad ass.

I enjoy a good public lynching. :) Rally the troops Granty.

16-05-2024, 05:54 PM
Cool Hand Luke certainly came to the fore in that interview. Nothing seems to faze him.

16-05-2024, 06:24 PM
Cool Hand Luke certainly came to the fore in that interview. Nothing seems to faze him.

Thank you, wtlf, for not saying "phase".

There's a particularly anal teacher around here that lurks around and pounces when grammatical errors are made.