So some of you will have watched the willy game and some of you may be relying on second hand reports.
Well..... We have an absolute gun on our hands with Jake.

Allow me a small detour if you will..........

Many years ago I bought a two storey, solid brick house in kensington that had a HUGE structural crack in it. This crack was big enough to put a fist through, and was visible from the street in it's facade. Anyhow....... everyone that came to visit, all my friends and relatives, commented with great concern about the crack. In fact the crack was so bad it went through the entire house, and I often wondered if I'd been a damn fool buying the place. Trucks would thunder over the level crossing in the middle of the night, and I'd jolt out of bed, certain the wall had finally collapsed.

BUT, I had consulted a structural engineer before the purchase, and he had said the thing was much worse than it looked. In his opinion it had stopped moving and you could basically fill it with mortar and not think about it again.

After a while, I came around to the thinking that the crack was not a negative, but a positive. In fact, without the crack, I wouldn't, in a million years ever have been able to afford that house. And I did fill the crack with mortar, and 15 years later, there's no discernible movement. The house was a bargain and an absolute rock solid, once in a lifetime, investment. Tripled in value in 4 years............. and that was just the start.

So..... the parallel is that Jake Stringer's broken leg is a blessing for the dogs.

Man....that guy would be the number 1 pick by a thousand miles if he hadn't broken his leg.

He did it all today. Smashing packs. Big contested one grab marks. Superb leads. breaking tackles, perfect passes to players in position. He had patience, poise, skill, power and aggression in perfect balance.
In fact, he often spotted up players who weren't even leading, and made them look better by his decision making and disposal. (Looking at you J. Grant).
When he kicked for goal he just had that beautiful effortless style of a true champion.
Think Plugger, Dunstall, Brown. And they just sailed through.


(Jackson Macrae was probably best on ground today I know, but this rant is about Jake)