For mine, I had high expectations. I expected us to make finals and at a minimum, win a final. I also believe we have enough talent and good football in us to beat anyone on our day. I haven't been as bullish about how many "days" we can actually string together as I was prior to R1, or in 15/16.

I think the scenario for me is win one final and its a par score. Win four and Bevo gets a statue. Anything in between is credits back in the bank. A week one loss will have me lamenting some of the issues that have been discussed this year around selection, deployment of players in the ruck, stalled development etc.

Weakest performances, our first 4 losses were really awful. Weeks one and two in particular were terribly deflating. Damaged my belief. Then the Blues and Tigers games had me solidifying my position that our coach might not have the answers. There was a real routine dismantling of our strengths that worried me. The sort of losses that felt far too similar to previous seasons disappointments to just be about effort and personnel.

The next three losses, I was happier with because there was hopeful moments in the games and enough coulda, shoulda and woulda's to suggest things could fall differently if we had some variation in effort, personnel or just plain luck. Geelong and Port especially.

My favourite game of the season was probably the Geelong loss, funnily enough. The opening stanza was our absolute best. We saw what it can do to a contender. After that, the Bombers game was really positive, to memory, they were still going OK at that point and we dealt with them fairly comfortably. Weightman's first kick and goal was a rare moment of pure joy in a stretch of a few tough weeks outside of footy.

Anyway. There's a few thoughts. 2020 has been a weird year. Glad we've got more footy in front of us!