I don't get it.. how would the doco in any way deter any young person watching it from doing anything Ben did? The guy has come out of this a hero, with a whole flippin' two hour waste of tv space dedicated to him. Do you think you could learn more from watching a wanker talk about himself for two hours, or maybe say, learning about how Chris Grant lives HIS life?

But no, we don't make docos about the good guys in this country, do we? Chris should have gone and drank for a year and then stopped and got someone to give him lots of money to let them video him shirtless. That way, he would be a 'true-blue' hero to the working class man, because in this country if you live your life well you are ignored, but if you act up and be an idiot, you become a folk hero.

That was pure PR rubbish, and I have ZERO sympathy for the guy or his delusional big-fish-in-tiny-pond father, who are both in this for as much of the limelight as they can squeeze out of it -- he wasn't coming 'out', he was outed by the police, and this doco was nothing more than a narcissistic repositioning of the Ben Cousins brand. (I deal professionally with people with addictions regularly in my development work, and that doco had the professional value to anyone dealing with addiction of a doughnut.)

You want to see how to make a doco about truly inspirational stories and good guys in sport? Watch any episode of America's Game.