Mark Robinson - Herald sun - 30 July

IN the world of Jason Akermanis, he believes he gave up more than any other Western Bulldog, that they asked him to give up more and more, until he said, "Guys, it's got to stop." And he was out the door.

MARK ROBINSON: I don't understand superstardom and I get the impression you don't understand normality. Is that fair comment?

JASON AKERMANIS: No. The fact you play football doesn't excuse you from following the law, making sure you do the right things, making sure you work hard, making sure the football, which you are hired to do, is what is judged - not words, not stuff in a newspaper, not what someone else says about me.

In the end, I couldn't give a stuff if I was liked. But if in my football career I'm not respected for what I did then I would have a problem.

Has life got to the stage where it's more than what you do on the field?

Good people, good leadership, means that you accept.

When I write a gay column the club says we accept gays, we accept everyone. But don't be a little different. Don't have a job in the media and don't talk about issues.

You can't do that because we don't accept that, but they'll accept gays.

But they don't accept Jason Akermanis?

Apparently not. Apparently my hair colour was too individual.

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