Quote Originally Posted by Sedat View Post
He failed dismally to do his due diligence and seek Ted Bailleu's support for the Ballarat redevelopment. Classic rookie error to side with one side of the political fence and not ensure the other side matches the level of support on the public record - even more amatuer hour considering everyone knew the Vic State election was going to go down to the wire. And the less said about his handling of the Hobart opportunity the better. Jeff Kennett played him like grand piano in his negotiatioins with the Tassie Govt, which wasn't so hard following Brayshaw's ham-fisted effort to try and tack on a quick meeting with the Tassie Govt on the back of a ODI commentary stint at Bellrieve Oval. Quite rightly, the Tassie pollies told him to go to buggery.

Agree that they don't have enough supporters, but they could have secured a significant 2nd venue (and associated income stream opportunities) in either of Ballarat and Hobart, both of which were endorsed by the AFL.
This x1000.

I also like the 'Gen-Y' comment -- these are guys who seem to think that you can make things happen by being slick (as opposed to actually needing to know stuff), as if the real world worked the same way as in the movies. Quite funny, actually, if tragic for Norf peeps.