Cheers for that 1eyedog.

My persective remains unchanged though: If it is a legitimate interview - interview him. If it is going through the motions just because of his status at the club - don't waste everyones time. And for what it is worth, my comments about corporates were used as an example of 'lip service' interviews to 'keep people onside' whereas you seem to be saying that we should operate in the same way in a footy environment...I would like to think we would be a little bit more honest than that.

All of that said, you are saying that West is a legitimate candidate - great. I honestly have no idea - I have seen him present once (Coaches conference this year - midfield strategies) and really don't have an opinion on him either way (the fire alarm was rung half-way through his presso and we were all evacuated never to return!). Reading his comments though, HE didn't seem to think he was a realistic candidate at this stage which turned me off.