Quote Originally Posted by ledge View Post
So your saying he cant play one last emotional game with which 2 of his mates were retiring to say good bye?
Bit like saying oh Barry you decided to retire half way through the year, your hearts not in it obviously, no we arent playing you.
He wanted to play. the team wanted him to play, the club wanted him to play, he is contracted to play.
Whoever puts on our jumper is a bulldog when they stop putting it on is when they arent, he had one last opportunity to play the game he loves with blokes he had played with since he started.
To me he stopped being our player after 5 pm on saturday until 5 pm he was one of us and i would cheer him.
To paraphrase Monty Python: yes, that's the very nub of my gist. You sign with another team, swear allegiances to Breakfast Point, you're not welcome in a Bulldog jumper. The Barry example is different, Hall wasn't saying "I'm off somewhere else", just saying "I'm off".

We'll have to agree to disagree. In my book, the minute he decided/agreed in principle/signed on to be a Giant and then announced it to his teammates, he's one of "them", finished as a Dog and doesn't deserve the honour of pulling on our jumper. Sure, he might miss on a chance to play one last game with his mates - tough. IMO you forfeit any claim like that once you choose another team. Pay him his financial due, then point him towards Tullamarine.