Wasn't there another farcical element to the Judd deal, something like giving his mum big $$$ for an admin role at the club or something along those lines?

A friend of mine used to work for the Taverner group, who were a group that bought up a lot of pubs mainly in Victoria and SA I believe and sold most to Woolworths/ALH a few years ago. He was telling me that a fairly high up Taverner employee had allegedly told him that when they were looking over the books for the 5 or so pubs they were looking to purchase from Collingwood there were some peculiar irregularities. When they allegedly asked about the huge (100K+) payments to some of the employees that were supposedly working 2 or 3 hours a week, the Collingwood representative said "oh, don't worry about that they are all quitting". The employees were, allegedly of course, wives and girlfriends.

The AFL are going to have to open a can of worms to make sure their process is watertight if they drag the Crows through the ringer. They have three options really:
1, Walk away quietly like nothing happened and play the "misunderstanding" card
2, Make a deal with the Crows that ultimately gives them a tap on the wrist but saves them fighting charges and really stirring up the competition wide muck.
3, Come down hard on the Crows and open Pandoras box.

Personally I hope it is option three, mostly as my gut feel tells me that it is the big clubs with the big connections that would have most to answer for.