Think we need a thread dedicated to any rumours you've heard about the club, of course 90% of them are fake but they are always good fun for a read IMO. I know some of you guys have some very good info, its time to spill the beans and share your goodness with the rest of us!

Post any rumours you hear in here - who we're interested in drafting, who were looking to trade for, who wants out of the club, whose going to be a late out/inclusion, who shagged his teammates missus, I'm talking anything. You can name (and shame) your source for extra credit if you like.

I'll try to update this post so we can see who has the good stuff and who talks shit!

To kick things off heres a little one posted on BF a few weeks back -

We're looking to trade our first pick for a KPF this year (I know, HUGE surprise...) with Sam Reid currently at the top of our hit list. This came from the same poster who said that JJ would be dropped for an off field incident, which he was that week so he at least has a little bit of credibility.

Let the bullshit... I mean fun... begin!