Quote Originally Posted by jeemak View Post
I disagree.

They all were willingly interviewed, no evidence has been covered up (as far as I know).

When you cut through it, the noise is actually all generated by James Hird because he knows he's cooked, and Little doing for the club what its members want him to do.

The players have been issued show cause notices, they tested the validity of them in court, that's now done and dusted so they now can either fight them or roll over (cooperate).
Willingly interviewed? Part of the club's claim was that ASADA misused the AFL's coercive powers. I can't see how they can day one thing in court and then contradict themselves in pleading for mercy.

If they don't think ASADA had the evidence then the AFL tribunal is the forum for that to be decided. All that was tested in court was the legitimacy of the investigation?