Mofra, I was referring to the Boyd comments. The Lake comments were clearly misguided.

Just for the sake of it, here's what Monty said:

"He needs to find his athletic side,"

"He came to us as a power forward, as a kid that didn’t move a lot. He was able to dominate one player, who was able to see a good share of entries come his way and not have to move up the ground too far.

"That’s just not how AFL’s played. He’ll need to adapt and he’s well aware of that."

"Tom’s going to have to grow his time in the ruck, which can only assist him getting into the game," Montgomery said.

"The game’s come a long way just in the last 18-24 months and (from) what we really expect out of our key forwards.

"They need to play time in the ruck - there’s only one or two clubs that buck that trend."

This answer could be a perfectly reasonable response to a perfectly reasonable question, such as, how do you think Tom Boyd can improve his game?

What do we want as an alternative? An assistant coach patronising us with clichés?

If it happens to be a small whack directed at the kid, perhaps he's earned it.