We are a very skillful side with some terrific players. We are tough and fair in a contest but I wonder if we have that X factor or mongrel required to really become a dominant team.

To my way of thinking we miss out out by not having a Jose Romero or Libba running around in our midfield and I really question how much better our team would be if a Matthew Boyd for example had a fair bit more mongrel in his game.

While a guy like Kirk from the Swans isn't as good as a Kerr, Cousins or Judd from the Eagles I'd argue that he is still nearly as vital player for the Swans as those from that impressive Eagles trio. On pure football ability he can't match it with them but his endeavour cannot be questioned.

Do we miss not having a player or two with a bit more grunt and mongrel about their game running around in our midfield?

Harris does a very good job of making a physical contest in defence but I'd like to see someone else roughing up a player or two in the midfield.
