Quote Originally Posted by Throughandthrough View Post
OK, we have the last touch rule in all grades in the SANFL, which means 90% of all out of bounds end up as a free kick paid. (whether it's from a kick or a handball, the intentional bit is irrelevant) The times it isn't paid is after smothers, contested possessions, etc. Allegedly it has sped the game up and less stoppages. Not sure one years research can be considered proof, but anyways. It's extremely frustrating to watch. Also. it made it harder to photo the game as no one went near the boundary lines. .The suggestion is that the CEO of the SANFL brought it in 18 months ago (without consulting the clubs...) in an effort to appease the almighty AFL gods.

It's generally hated by 90% of the fans.
So what then happens is the ball is constantly kicked in the corridor and the game becomes congested in the middle part of the ground because everyone is avoiding the boundary line. My god what morons to bring in stupid rules. I am afraid this is what the AFL wants.