Quote Originally Posted by The bulldog tragician View Post
One day I will be able to remember the sound and feel of the final siren sounding without crying. One day....
Good luck with that!

Amazing game, amazing day. A day I never thought would come.

I had been to all 7 losing prelims since '85 like a lot of us on here - going through all the associated emotions with one common outcome - utter devastation.

The game itself was a roller coaster of emotion - early ups when we entered the arena to a heroes welcome and the Orange People to a chorus of bronx cheers, followed by Clay getting us off to a bright start, Easton's hanger and Libba's baiting.

Downs when the tsunami kicked into gear, and Rough going down. Pride when Tommy took on the Mummy and kept us in the game. Hope when an amazing play led to a Caleb snapped goal that kept us close, followed by dread when they kicked away again early in the final term.

The final 20 minutes were amazing with the boys refusing to let the opportunity slip - JJ's courage to gut run when everyone was out on their feet, breaking the game open and leading Bont to a goal of beauty.

Then the surge that led to Jacko's oppotunity, and the goal that suddenly had us in front with the finish line in sight. Could we hold on? Could we erase the ghosts of season's past, or would our history of disappointment come back to haunt us?

Those final minutes were as tense as anything I had ever experienced. Finally we had possession with less than a minute left. Come on guys - ice the clock - get us home.

Dunks goes long down the line - good boy - the ball spills out the back - we get it - getting excited - quick hands, the ball ends up with Jakey, 30 seconds left, Jakey spots Dicko all by himself and delivers a magnificent pass. Dicko marks, 27 seconds left, he has 30 seconds to take his kick - THAT'S IT - IT'S OVER - WE ARE IN THE GRAND FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Running around like a lunatic, screaming who know's what, phone going crazy with messages, tear pouring down my face - pround as heck with our boys.

Sorry Swans, you have NO chance next week - we are a team of destiny - the flag will be ours!!!!

A big thank you to those who have posted the videos of the crowd scenes on you tube, which allow me to vividly remember what turned out to be an amazing day.