Quote Originally Posted by Grantysghost View Post
Agree with most of what you say, however I do think there is a negative trend and a group pile on dynamic demonstrating vitriol towards the club in a lot of posts. Certainly if Granty is performing badly in his role it should be called out and discussed intelligently with facts above emotions. To say he should be sacked for an article that was pretty honest and to the point is bewildering to say the least. This is a great forum with intelligent contributors and agree most make alot of sense.
I have no idea on how Grant is performing in his role, he seemed to be the tiebreaker in the Stinger trade between Dodoro and McCartney so I assume he is doing his job well but I don't really know.
Does it mean he is good at spinning stories? probably not based on this article and one after last years draft that appear to be way off the mark. Essentially I'm only challenging the content of the article and the action of the club at the trade and draft tables over the last 2 years and saying the stories don't match. Others can judge and debate if that's is the right assumption or not.