Quote Originally Posted by bulldogtragic View Post
That's my guess. Or another place where we wasn't meant to be. Just for colour, WD54 can do a more complete explanation, burglary is where you break into somewhere you shouldn't (a house, building etc), usually to steal property. A serious, but arguably lesser charge against the property. Agg Burglary is where you break into somewhere you shouldn't and there's other innocent people home/inside, usually to steal something or in the extreme to assault someone. A more serious, much more serious charge against the person. The other charges wouldn't bother a good QC too much, but the agg burg charge might pose a few problems for Brian. If he for instance kicked in the front door and then proceeded to undertake the unlawful assault upon someone else, then he's got troubles if that is even remotely close to being true, this is a guess though. We will soon see how severe the Agg Burg is, but the rest is bad, but not lose much sleep over bad from his lawyers viewpoint.
With the recent changes to bail legislation, he needed to 'Show Compelling Reason' why he should be released.

He's very lucky.