This is a bit of a reset opportunity, and they should really try to take the good bits from the GWS model.

They should target 2-3 good young guys at other clubs who a) want to be there ($$$ is obviously the easiest way to get them interested but they need to really entrench them in the club like GWS did with Ward and Davis), and b) can facilitate the clubs growth. They may already have one at the club in Swallow, may snag another this year in Crouch, so really only need a couple of other standard bearers who can carry them a bit.

They shouldn't be scared of overpaying in trades, the Weller trade for all the mockery looks fine. Weller has been good for them so far, Ballard has heaps of potential and Brayshaw probably would have left a couple of years in anyway, and doesn't really look elite for mine.