Strong performance Friday night featuring some great focus/commitment to the ball. I was one of many who really appreciated the efforts (I'm sure) put forth by the players.

Glass half full:
- Liber is the difference maker.
- Great show of resilience by Bont.
- Naught's terrific in consistently attacking the ball.
- JJ showed a willingness to compete we haven't seen much of in the past couple of seasons.
- Alex Keath looked like he was both willing AND able to play as a one-vs-one defender.
- MC played players in more familiar positions and all is OK with the world.

Glass half empty:
- We barely troubled the scorers vs a Giants team missing Whitfield, Greene and Kelly.
- English was better but really played as a 7th defender not a ruckman - you might be able to do that against Jacobs but other teams have actual footballers playing in the ruck.
- Suckling continues to look terrible.
- Bruce continues to look terrible. As for the Brereton opinion that the presence of Bruce helps Naughton walk taller - please. The kid grew up in Rockingham and was raised to fight the fight.
- Dale and Lloyd completely ineffective - I guess you could argue Dale was better than Lloyd (at least)
- Can ANYONE play as an outside mid and get the ball except for Hunter in our entire squad? Vandermeer is (admittedly) a baby (a baby with a nice sidestep to be fair) but he is miles off being a 25 possession per game player.
- What is going on with Toby? Is he the player he flashed in the first quarter or whoever than bloke was who played out the game with barely a touch?
- We needed the Giants and the history and the EJ milestone etc to get 'UP' for a contest...what happens vs the Swans and Roos over the next two weeks when there is no emotion in the build up.

So - where are you. Half full or half empty. Are we moving ahead or was it just an unconvincing flash in the pan from a consistent team.