Quote Originally Posted by josie View Post
Hi Vred, curious to know your reasons for not wanting Cox?

I think I read somewhere Stephenson my have a lowish tank/vo2 which may explain why he fades during games. If that’s true (might be nonsense) do you know if that can be improved? He is exciting when on song from little I have seen of him and love his goal sense.
Cox has bursts of play where his AFL level, and then for the rest of the match his nowhere to be seen, maybe that's because of Collingwoods midfield issues but I don't think Cox brings anything to us.

Stephenson has had his off field troubles but by all accounts is very much loved by the Collingwood playing group, and Treloar is highly rated by alot of people, both players are straight up walk in 22's for us, and bring some things we lack (pace, aggression and some mungral), IF Dunkley happens, and we land them, I'd look at it as a win.