What an overwhelming, magnificent, inspiring day that was, capping a completely unlikely four weeks of footy.

The 2016 achievement will grow more imposing and epic as time goes by. No one has been able to “do a Bulldogs” again. Not even the Bulldogs.

At times this year we have all pondered whether the 2021 breed is more talented. I don’t know if they are, but the greatness of 2016 was that it was about more than talent. I don’t know if there’s ever been a flag won on the back of such sheer fanatical desire and commitment, of getting so much out of players with limitations combined with the steel and hunger of the older blokes who’d known heartache.

Grand finals are so hard to get to. We knew that. Grand finals are so hard to win. We know that now.

Whatever magic blend happened that four weeks I’ll be thankful forever that we saw it.