The other thing we need to look at is our developing talls, and when they’re going to be peaking. It’s likely Naughts, Marra, Darcy and English are all hitting the gas together in 3 years. By that time, Libba will be well gone, Macrae and Adz will be on their last legs and Bont’s time at the top will be nearing the end.

We need to make sure we have a quality midfield to maximise what will likely be the best group of key position types our club has ever had at one time. Of our current crop, Bazlenka is a lock, Williams on a wing is looking promising but still to be determined if he’s elite in that role and Dunkley will be in his absolute physical prime. If we do lose Dunkley, we have few great prospects coming through so we’d need to use whatever assets we get to at least find his replacement (and hopefully another likely prospect).