OK - you've won the last 3 and, despite some concerns about a little bit of player unrest, all is 'seemingly' well. But this week is a BIG game. On Thursday everyone is heading up to Brisbane to play the Lions who now include reigning Dogs B&F winner J. Dunkley - a member of a midfield group that is absolutely purring.

Aside from dealing with a short week, the boys all seem happy and positive up in Bris-Vegas and the game has started well enough. Brisbane have had their share of the footy but in the middle of the second quarter your team is playing with some real 'prove a point' intensity and - led by Taylor Duryea who has won 3x BIG 1-v-1 contests in a complete blanket job of Charlie Cameron - have established a 3-goal (well, 17-points) lead.

But, unfortunately a few hits come along. Zac Bailey rolls off a wing and kicks 2-goals in 90-seconds. THEN Duryea leaves the field after being involved in a high-contact incident...not much in it but he doesn't look great. Then Cameron kicks one after a lead and mark. Then Bailey kicks another. The crowd is going absolutely spare - Bailey has 3 in 5-minutes, Cameron is on the board and the Lions have hit the lead.