Quote Originally Posted by mjp View Post
Yeah, well...none of US knew about the Lobb injury until after the Dee's game. Which makes me wonder if maybe those on the inside DID have a suspicion about how things *might* go and were therefore trying to get every single 'asset' out on the field in an effort to get off to a positive start. Of course the 'Where does that leave us now?" question needs to be asked but...

Anyway, we can continue to make changes etc but the result on Saturday almost calls for a 'Same 22 - you made the mess, get out there and fix it' type of response...
Given the consistent & excellent updates from GVGjr in the pre-season training thread he had noticed Lobb was on ''light/restricted'' for the last 7-10 days of our pre-season so it was no surprise to me when we heard the news of the injury.

Understand the principle about running with the same 22... but I can't see how we continue with at least a couple of the Rd.2 team who just aren't contributing.... we watch with interest.