Three? THere's so many more than three but I'll try to keep it there. Before I start though I'd like to say that I was there and I couldnt point to one player or line that I could blame. ITs a team game and team failure, including coaching despite some reasonable individual performances. I'm not saying I know whats up either, but I'll say this.
1. No apparent game plan A that I could see, and whatever it was there was no plan B when A didnt work bacause nothing changed anywhere that I could see. I dont count using Naghton in the ruck as a change in game plan.
2. No leading into space and no spread when in possession, and when in possession they usually went sideways or backwards allowing opposition to cover everything forward and they just bombed forward anyway. Noone pretty much leads into space not even the forwards [ok JUH did twice and Naughton once] Within this point I noticed that on occasion [quite a few actually] someone would lead or call for the ball unmanned and was ignored then a long bomb kicked to a contest = WTF?

3. Too slow - both generally [no run or spread other than chasing st kilda, and in kicking after a mark. This links into my last line of point 2.

Due to this I think either our coaching staff have no friggin idea - the game seems to have passed them or the players dont think on the field at all but follow what the coaches tell them to the letter but because the coaches have no idea the players have no idea and dont "ad lib".

How we've become apparent hasbeens so quickly is amazing but its been coming it seems for a while starting with the 21 GF then the famous GF hangover of belted teams that they talk about,[lost 5 of the first 8 in 22] sure there were a few fair games in between but mostly beating ordinary teams and being belted by good teams, culminating again v the two Freo games last year, and now two fade out games already this year. [so far]
So, have the better teams simply worked us out and our old game plan hasnt changed [assuming we have one].? Has Bevo lost the players? They surely arent playing for him and dont seem too interested playing for each other. Why do players want to leave lately? OR are these just two [or 3] apparitions in a row?

P.S. I think the McRae bagging/analysis is way over the top considering all the other "muck ups" by almost everyone on the night