Quote Originally Posted by Grantysghost View Post
Yes, that's my concern the gap I see between where the club thinks they are and I think we are.

I can't find any reason to think we are a top 4 side. Any reasonable metric says otherwise.

I personally think Harmes is cooked so I'm not a fan of this move. However I hope to be pleasantly proven wrong.
If Bevo and team think we are a genuine top 4 side, then they all need to be committed. We are NOWHERE near the top teams. Bont blew the competition away and English was AA and still couldn’t make the 8. We have issues on and off the field, and I don’t see anything changing, other than going in a downward spiral.
I think the final nail for me will be the announcements of the asst coaches, and using pick 4(5) on a fwd pocket who can’t play anywhere else. This is all I’ll say on the matter. I’ll probably comment again once the trade/draft is over.