This story suggests that there are 2 issues of greater concern than the planning stuff-up by the club:

Issue No 1: Is the club delivering whjat it promised to the area?

Quote Originally Posted by muttley3028 View Post
"The Bulldogs call themselves ‘the community club’ – but due to their own mismanagement, our community will not receive what they desperately need," Maribyrnong mayor Cr Michelle MacDonald said today.
Issue No 2: Is the redevelopment under funded/going to run out of money?

Quote Originally Posted by muttley3028 View Post
"The Bulldogs commenced the redevelopment over two years ago, knowing that they did not have the money to complete the project. We’ve made repeated efforts over the last two years to help the Bulldogs pull the Whitten Oval redevelopment back on track, and they’ve turned down every offer," Cr MacDonald said.