Quote Originally Posted by GVGjr View Post
Spot on, not only did we accept Baz, he was revered for his toughness.
Many fans are fickle with their standards once a player arrives at the club, one years bad boy will quickly become a fan favourite if they win a game or two
Some of us fans may have short memories or are too young to vividly remember some of our "past Toby Greenes", how about Libba Senior, Terry Wheeler, Tits Kennedy, Critter Kretiuk, Ron McGowan, Super MacPherson, even our heroes Charlie and EJ, and many more, every era of football clubs have players who play to the edge and at times cross over and we were no exception, look at Hawthorn in the 80's, tough hard and over the line for sure, but did they intimidate opposition and win finals, of course they did, it seems essential to have a couple of hard nuts in your team and I for one would welcome him to our club, it is also essential to get our youngsters into the gym and get them built up big and strong, the difference in size is plainly visible when the teams are running out onto the ground, you do not have to sacrifice speed for more muscle mass, and it stops you being knocked out of the contest or off the chase for the ball.