Location: Melton

Your train line to the footy when you take the train: Ballarat

When you started supporting the Bulldogs approx: 1974

Favourite Current Bulldog Player(s): Bont

Favourite Footy Ground(s): Whitten Oval

Favourite WO moment in your time as a supporter: Too many to choose from.

Favourite Bulldog H&A win in your time as a supporter - the Kolynuik goal to beat the pies

Favourite Bulldog final moments: 2016 GF win and the 2016 PF win

Current Bulldog players from your school: I have no idea.

Not current Bulldogs players that went to your school: Tottenham Nth Primary and Braybrook high in the 70s, way too many to mention here

Most Hated Team(s) GWS and the Bombers

Current Local Footy Club and how many flags they have won: Melton sth , I have no idea.

Other Teams You Support: Southampton, England in cricket and soccer but like to see Aussies do well in everything but the ashes